Interview: Alien Feelings

So how has your latest album/EP gone so far with fans then?

It’s gone down really well thank you very much! We’re such a young band, we were only gigging for a couple of months before lockdown took place and live music fell into the current era of uncertainty. So we didn’t have enough of an opportunity to build a solid physical fan base. Which is why it’s all the more important for us to push this EP as much as possible, for us to continue to build our name in the music biz. I don’t think “Shameless self promotion” has ever been as vital to artist as it is now, especially for rock bands. With that being said we’ve had incredible feedback in reviews and on radio, so we’re beside ourselves with excitement for the future of the band.

Tell us something about the release no one knows?

The EP was originally only going to be three singles. Good looking, Scream and Lie to me. But on what we thought was our last day of recording everything went really well and we flew through Lie to me. So the guys at Animal farm who are our management and who produced the EP, insisted that we record another one. In fact, they told us that we could have used the studio for the rest of the week, but sadly we had only booked three nights accommodation and were a little strapped for cash. So on our last day in London we packed the van, headed to the studio and recorded Town that made me in just a couple of hours before we headed home. Who knows, if we could have stayed those extra nights then Bondage and lipstick may have been a little album because we certainly have no shortage of material. But as it is, I think it turned out perfectly and it’s just this raw, vibrant little piece of work that gives people just a little taste of what we’ve got to offer.

If you could work with any band on a new song, who would it be and why?

The four of us have differing musical tastes at time’s so we’d never agree 100% on who we’d idealistically like to work with. But, in terms of collaboration we’d be open to working with anybody,as long as it was done right. It would have to feel good and be organic. I’d never work with someone just because they’re popular, we’d have to be able to gel. Plus, collaborations are so over done these days that it’s become a fucking novelty to have a song by a single artist.

How has your latest release been received?

It’s been received rather well thank you. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t see us owning houses in Beverly Hills any time soon, but it’s a foot in the door. We have arrived. We just want to keep making music now, nothing’s gonna stop us.

Can you tell us about the meaning behind the track?

As it was mentioned before I’ll tell you about Town that made me. It’s an autobiographical song from a period in my life where I felt like everything was constantly falling apart and I was drinking heavily and just doing really silly things. It’s mainly about the things that I can remember from a week long binge fuelled by drugs and alcohol. Like Dickens said “ It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness.” It’s my early twenties. But truthfully, I think it’s a lot of people’s early twenties, especially the working class council estate kids like myself.

What venue are you most looking forward to playing the most, and why?

At this rate we’ll play absolutely anywhere that’s left standing at the end of this whole mess. Venues are closing their doors for good at an alarming pace at the moment. It’s like most things we humans destroy though, we’ll only miss it when it’s gone. Live music from unsigned bands is and has always played an absolute vital part in the future of music and we as a band just hope that the golden age of gigging is still ahead of us and not just something from the past.

What else can we expect from in 2020?

With gigs being out of the question for the foreseeable future, we’re just going to pushing the Bondage and lipstick EP to its limit and try to get as many people to listen to it as possible. We’ve been practicing nonstop and making sure that we’re on top of our game ready for when we can start playing to an audience again. We’ve been recording demos of future records and just really exploring what Alien feelings is. We’ll have another music video out before the end of the year too, if you’ve not seen the one for Scream yet then you should definitely check it out on YouTube.