When did you first realise that COVID-19 was going to have an effect on your project?
Well, to be honest, I wasn’t even thinking about how CVD 19 would affect me and my music when it first hit. I was more concerned about my ‘real job’ because I have a career. Also, I had to come to grips with SSHL (hearing loss) in the left ear and so music has been more or less next to impossible to pursue…though I ended up surprising myself eventually with a few projects that I was able to finish.
Initially, what was that whole situation like, and how did you overcome/react to it?
So, in general? More or less like most other people I guess. It’s a different reality right now. I’m grateful to live in Canada because, while nothing is perfect of course…I’m more or less impressed with the reaction to this crisis.
How has your creative process changed over the last couple of months?
Well, from about March to August I was surprised to accomplish what I did, considering. Check out my Bandcamp page. https://bleedingraven.bandcamp.com/ Everything SAVE FOR “Darkness Consumed” (Cleopatra Records) has been released in between March and August. The latest, and most important release is “VERRTRANDT” and we just released the video for this. Much thanks to William Westwater who put it together and my nephews, the “Morrison brothers—KB and K-Jay”.
What bands/artists have inspired you past and present?
The artist that first inspired me to consider music was Gary Numan. I was a huge Numan fan as a younger person. “Replicas” is probably one of the best albums ever done. Actually, his “Dance” album is in some ways quite close. But, I have LOTS of bands/artists that I absolutely respect and are inspiring. Some are more ‘influential’ of course. To name a few: Type O Negative, Japan, Ministry, KISS, Sabbath. Ozzy, DIO, Korn, Fear Incorporated, Psyclon Nine, Die Sektor, Skinny Puppy, Global Citizen, Zardonic, Billy Corgan (Smashing Pumpkins) CRIX IIIX, and the list is endless. But, as I always do, I mention The Doors as probably THE most inspiring band for me. The Doors and Gary Numan…are at the top of my own personal ‘chart’.
So, what do you think you’ve learnt the most from being an artist through COVID-19?
Well, for me I guess I had more time to reflect on a few things, and the music I recorded between March and August dealt with a lot of issues, including the pandemic. (Violet Plague) I’ve also written about the sad reality of the rise of hatred, racism and violence in America and elsewhere as well. (Blood of Innocents)
What kind of effect do you think that it’s had on the music industry all together, and how excited are you to see it return to normal?
We will survive this, and as far as what is “normal”…we will have to wait and see what that could mean in the future. I’m more concerned for the newer and struggling bands. The big names have nothing to worry about. They can still make millions because it takes money to make money. But the struggling bands, especially those who do a lot of live gigs and depend on these to survive…for them it’s difficult. BUT…they will get right back at it with a vengeance…you’ll see.
What tips/advice would you like to give to other bands who are also going through this?
Stay focused on what’s important: expression through art. Don’t dream of being a big star…focus on being true to your creative energy and let it happen. Then, regardless of what happens as far as ‘fame’ goes, you will still have a lot to be proud of.