Pop-punk phenoms MAKEOUT, recently shared ‘Home’ – their first single with new frontman Kyle Dee (formerly a Season 11 American Idol contestant, and lead singer of Chicago mainstays, The Frantic) and bassist AJ Khah (who was previously a member of Sleep On It). Dee and Khah join founding members Tyler Young (Lead Guitar) and Scott Eckel (Drums) for a more mature sounding yet still super melodic new version of MAKEOUT which should make longtime fans super stoked.
‘Home’ was produced by Matt Holmes and Travis Barker. Co-written by Makeout, Travis Barker, Matt Holmes and Jayden Seeley of With Confidence. Check out MAKEOUT’s latest single ‘Home’ below!
We caught up with new frontman Kyle Dee as talks about the latest single and more!
How has your new single ‘Home’ gone down so far?
So far, the response to ‘Home’ has been excellent. It’s our first single out with the updated lineup and it’s awesome to see the fans reacting to the new sound. It’s an exciting next chapter for us.
Can you tell us something about the single now one else knows?
Originally, the demo version of the song was about 15 bpm slower..it was written in a much lower key, and the guitars were a lot cleaner. We knew the song was great, but it needed the MAKEOUT energy.
How was it like working with Travis Barker and Matt Holmes on the single?
Working with Travis and Matt Holmes was great. They both brought their expertise to the table and helped elevate this song into what it is. The song was also co-written by Jayden Seeley and engineered by Matt Malpass.
So vocalist Kyle Dee and bassist AJ Khah have now joined the band, did you all click straight away?
Yeah, it was a pretty smooth transition. We all grew up loving the same bands, which helped, but it was also very clear that we all shared the same ambitions and visions for the future. We’re all on the same page.
Would you say the sound of the band is any different now?
It’s similar in the sense that it’s still very high-energy, fast and fun, but it’s feeling a bit heavier and more mature. This wasn’t something we really discussed, it’s just naturally happening that way and we’re embracing it.
What’s it like not being able to tour at the moment, is there anything you’re missing about it?
It’s a very weird time. We’re a band that thrives on touring and playing live. That’s where we get to really connect with our fans and it’s also what we enjoy the most. I think we miss everything about it. The traveling, the fans, and the sweaty punk rock shows.
Is there any plans for a tour when it is safe to do so?
We were set to head out on a 2-month long comeback tour right before things shut down, so we were definitely bummed, but we’ve been planning to reschedule as soon as we’re able to. I’m sure we’ll be touring non-stop once it’s safe to do so.
Will there be an album or EP released this year?
Right now, releasing new music is our main focus. It’s looking like we’ll do an EP in the early Fall, but we’re still writing everyday, so I wouldn’t rule out a full album at some point.