Interview: Ask Carol

So how has your latest single release for ‘Run With You’ gone so far with fans then?

It has gone very well, seems like people like it! A few have told us this is their favorite so far, that’s good to hear 🙂

Tell us something about the release no one knows?

This song was first recorded two years ago, in a very different version. A more smooth, chill-type thing. It changed a lot in the new recording and production, but maybe we’ll release the old version one day. That would be cool, we actually kind of like that one a little more than this last one, haha.
If you could work with any band on a new song, who would it be and why?
It may sound strange, but we kind of like working by ourselves. We have our own visions of things, and don’t like having people interfere with that. Of course, doing something with another great band would be awesome, and we could definitely learn stuff. It would be worth it just to learn, and see how others work, and then maybe we would choose someone who does things a little differently than us. Someone like for example, if we have to choose a current band, Coldplay or The Black Keys.

How has your latest release been received?

It has been pretty good, we got very good response from fans and people, and we got a few blog features. We even got some play listings, no official Spotify playlists yet, but a decent amount of independent playlists. So that is good. It was a very strange tome to have a release, with both the corona virus, and then everything else going on. We felt it was kind of weird to push a track in the midst of such a serious time, so we have had kind
of a low profile lately. We’ll step it up soon though, when it feels more right to be out there.

Can you tell us about the meaning behind the track?

The feelings we had in mind when we wrote it was the feeling of
wanting to just get away, run from your sorrows, secrets, your life….
before it’s too late. The song was written long before these challenging corona times, but lately the song has come to mean something more to us. We feel it represents a longing for just going away, to get away from it all, a feeling that has grown more intense as we all have to stay home for such a long time…

What tours do you have coming up, and what can you tell us about them?

Well, at the moment the situation is very strange, because of the Covid-19. No tours or concerts are happening these days, and it is impossible to plan cause nobody knows when things will get back to normal… so, at the moment there are no tours coming up. But, when it makes sense to start touring again, we will definitely go out on the road, there are so many places we want to go and play. Especially the US and UK, but also Germany,
Asia and Latin America. The traveling and meeting fans and new people was one of our favorite parts of this, so it is sad that it is not possible at the moment.

What venue are you most looking forward to playing the most, and why?

At the moment we have nothing scheduled, but one venue that we really look forward to playing one day is the legendary Whisky A Go Go, Troubadour and The Roxy in Los Angeles. We have been there a couple of times, it’s a cool place. One day it’s gonna happen, hopefully already next year, if this Corona situation doesn’t last too long.

What else can we expect from in 2020?

These last couple of months we have been thinking a lot about how to do this, how to deal with this strange situation, with no concerts or travels or other stuff we usually do. One of the things we have thought about is releasing new stuff more often than before. That’s why we’ll be releasing a lot of new singles the last half of this year. We have many new songs that we work on, and can’t wait to show you all. The first one will be out
around august.