Interview: Dario Distasi

Dario Distasi is a Manchester-based rock solo artist, who’s just released a new single and music video, When The Lights Go Down.

Dario grew up in Italy, where he studied at the Saint Louis College of Music in Rome, and made a good reputation as a guitarist.

First and foremost, he has always been a songwriter, though. Writing in English since a very early age, and taking inspiration from a varied range of influences, Dario’s songwriting is evocative and sincere.

Dario moved to Manchester in 2015, drawn by the local music scene.

In Manchester, he recorded his debut EP ‘Nowhere Avenue’, and played with several bands, ranging from alternative to metal and pop – as diverse as Dario’s background.

A few months ago, Dario felt it was time to record new songs, and chose to work with a US- based producer, Drew Middleton (BMI Award winner).

This track is also on Letting Go (EP), which is out now!

Check out the video for When The Lights Go Down below!

We caught up with Dario as he talked about the latest EP and more!

So how has the release of your EP Letting Go gone down so far?

There’s so many things going on right now, it’s really exciting! I’m reaching so many new listeners through live gigs, social media, YouTube… The feedback I’m getting for my new video
“When The Lights Go Down” ( ) is honestly unbelievable. Having so many people taking the time to tell you they love your music, as well as promoters and venues showing genuine interest in it – this really motivates me and the band!

Can you tell us something about the EP no one else knows?

Dario: It’s quite obvious there is a clear message – a strong idea and common link behind the EP. The tunes have been written so spontaneously I didn’t even think about that. When I realized how much I liked the songs, it felt just right to record them altogether and share them to the world 😊

What is your favourite moment making the EP?

Dario: Probably the pre-production stage, working with Chris Taylor (Noiseboy Studios, Salford and our guitarist as well). I liked the overall vibe, and that influenced me so much the vocals you can hear actually made it to the final stage and are on the EP!


So the EP was recorded in Nashville, how amazing was this experience for you?

Dario: I can’t quite believe it yet. I think anyone instantly realizes where my musical influences and background come from, when listening to my tunes.
So many albums I am and always will be in love with have been recorded in Nashville, TN.
I’ve already recorded a few tunes in Manchester – Next step: Seattle, maybe?

If you could work with any band on a new song, who would it be and why?

Steve: Alice In Chains. These guys are immense. Their grooves, melodies and harmonies too speak to me on every level. Some of my band mates might be shocked by this coz I idolise Chad Smith!

Dario: Not shocked at all – you both have a great groove, however I think he’s not as loud as you are hahahaha

How did your recent last shows go down in Manchester last month?

Steve: It was great for us. I think that we played the tightest set we have done yet.

Damon: That first question is just so tough!!! The reason I love so many of my favourite bands, is because of the bass players in them!!! If I was to play on a record, would have to mean they weren’t there anymore lol. For that reason, I’d love to play for a solo artist like Joe Bonamassa or Keith Urban.
The last few gigs we have played have been awesome. It’s has really helped to galvanise us as a band to help bring Dario’s music to the stage. It’s really been an amazing journey.


If you could play at any venue in the world, where would it be and why?

Damon: For me, there is only one choice for venue… while it would be so cool to play big stadiums/arena’s to thousands of people, I’d just love to play the whiskey a go go in LA. It’s just so steeped in rock n roll history, and is a more intimate setting where the crowd is on top of you

Steve: It’s a toss of a coin for me with this only because I’ve never been to either venue. I’d love to play hotel max or El Corazon in Seattle. Both venues are rooted in grunge music which is where I rekindled my love of music, made some of the best friends ever and got pulled out of one of the darkest eras of my life so far. That aside, these two venues either saw the launch of or hosted the like of Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, AIC, Mudhoney and of course Nirvana.

What’s the alternative live scene like in Manchester at the moment and how would you compare it to Rome?

Dario: Manchester’s live music scene has been a prosperous one for a long time. Things are very different for an independent artist in Rome. Things are OK for cover bands, but it’s much harder to play original music.
It’s safe to say there used to be more gig opportunities and live music venues in MCR as well – however, the audience is still great. People are always willing to support live music.