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Interview: Harper Starling

Billboard #1 artist Harper Starling beat Tourette’s syndrome with music. Literally.

She also met a member of The Violent Femmes that led to a unique musical partnership. Would you like an inspiring interview to talk about the above, how the combination of the two led her to the path of music and the top of the Billboard Dance Club Songs Chart?

The #1 hit is ‘Euphoria’ by The Perry Twins featuring Harper Starling. The track is produced/remixed by The Perry Twins (Rihanna, Beyonce), with additional remixes by Dirty Werk (Kesha, Dave Aude) and Dan Thomas (Moby, Ralphi Rosario). Harper climbed over powerhouse artists Dua Lipa and Calvin Harris to reach #1 as well as Janelle Monae, Drake, Sting, Shaggy and Craig David featuring Bastille. Additionally, they shared the Top 10 with Troye Sivan.

Harper and The Perry Twins also released the new ‘Euphoria’ video:

We caught up with Harper as she talked about her hit with The Perry Twins and more!

So “Euphoria” is a big hit, did you ever think it will get this response?

No, but I definitely wished it. I’m so grateful and thankful for the success that it has received. It reached #1 on the Billboard Dance Club Chart. The fact that so many people connected with this song is what means the most to me. “Euphoria” parallels my own life, the struggles I have faced in the past couple of years and how I overcame that. I always want my music to mean something and to help others in whatever magnitude that happens to be.

Can you tell something about the single no one else knows?

The song was originally written in a lower key on the piano. It gives a different perspective to the song. When I was co-writing it, I wanted it to be a dance song (which I absolutely love and enjoy as well). I am so in love with the original as well that I want to release an acoustic version for my fans.

What was it like with working with The Perry Twins?

I loved working with The Perry Twins. They have worked with everyone including Beyonce, JLo, Kelly Clarkson and Rihanna. I was honored that they wanted to collaborate with me as well. I love what they did with the production of “Euphoria”. They kept the message of the song, but added little nuances that brought some 80s elements as a nod to my healthy obsession with that decade.

Will you be releasing new music soon?

Yes I will. I’m excited to announce that the next single will be “One Call Away”. I co-wrote the song with Carlos Battey who is part of The Jackie Boyz. They have written for Justin Bieber, Madonna, Charlie Wilson, and so many more. I will also be working with The Perry Twins again on a dance version of this song. I’m so excited to share it with everyone.

You have wrote 70 songs in the last year, what makes the cut for you?

It depends on what my gut is telling me. I always have ideas running around in my head and other times I just need to get my emotions down on paper. Not all of my songs are as good as others. It’s like that saying “weed out the bad to make room for something beautiful”. Sometimes you have to write bad songs in order to get to a hit. I also trust my instincts and my gut. They rarely let me down. The moment “Euphoria” was written, I knew that that was going to be the next single.

If you could work with any band on a new song, who would it be and why?

I would love to work with the Red Hot Chili Peppers because they are one of my favorite bands and I love their funk and quirkiness. It’s very reminiscent of how I am. We would have a blast working together. I know that my music and theirs isn’t at all similar, but those usually end up being the best collaborations.

Will you be touring at all this year?

I sure hope so. I’ve been performing a lot in California, but I am looking to expanding in both America and the UK, and would love to do that through touring.

What was the first ever gig you went to?

Even though music has been such a big part of my life, I didn’t actually go to any concerts until I was older. My first was to see Maroon 5 who were opening for John Mayer. It was amazing and the love that the crowd was giving them was really inspiring.

What would you say to someone who wants to get into the music industry, but is scared because they suffer from Tourette’s Syndrome?

Even though I used to be embarrassed by my Tourette’s, I found that singing and dancing were the best activities to make the tics stop. That allowed me to further my passion and lead me to where I’m at today. Tourette’s doesn’t define me and shouldn’t define or limit anyone else. To those worried that their tics will prevent them from pursuing a career in the music industry, screw those thoughts and show Tourette’s who’s boss. Take control of your own life and don’t let those tics control you.

What do you get up to in your spare time when not working on music?

I absolutely love to read. It was always a means to escape and let my imagination run wild when I was younger. I often go to the library and usually end up checking out multiple books every other week. I also love to go hiking. I grew up in Wisconsin which doesn’t have any mountains or a lot of hiking trails. Here in California, there are trails galore and the view from those trails is breathtaking and awe-inspiring.