Live Review: The Skids, TV Smith and Charlie Harper at Sub 89, Reading

The Skids

Charlie Harper’s enjoyable one-man acoustic set is completed with the UK Subs favourite ‘Warhead’. The stripped down version of this Punk classic is an enthralling listen and Charlie’s voice has that deep lived in husk that naturally works acoustically. The world would be a poorer place without TV Smith and his set of new and old is the perfect entree to tonight’s main course. ’Gary Gilmours Eyes’ still sounds disturbingly fresh and acoustically it works on a whole new level. Watching The Skids live is a strangely moving and uplifting experience. The Celtic clarion calls resonate around the low ceilinged venue as the (unbelievably) fit and healthy Richard Jobson flails his arms in time to the music like a Dad dancing exercise video. The Band open with ‘This Is Our World’ from 2017’s superb ‘Burning Cities’ album. A bouncing ‘Charade’ is followed by ‘Of One Skin’ and the chanting “oh o oh o” of ‘Melancholy Soldiers’. ‘Working For The Yankee Dollar’ remains sing-a-long-a-Skids masterclass while the first line of “Cry to my Daddy on the telephone, how long now” on ‘The Saints are Coming’ hits a distant raw nerve and suddenly deep feelings of loss briefly escape from their never to be opened emotional box before being swept away by the songs, “on your feet son”, spirit-rousing chorus. The military march of ‘Hurry On Boys’ gives way to the perfect hat-rick of Skids hits. ‘Circus Games’, ‘Masquerade’ and a show-stopping ‘Into The Valley’ are all hastily devoured by the busy, smiling Sub crowd. The encores of ‘Animation’, ‘Charles’ and ‘The Olympian’ complete another near-perfect performance of anthemic Scottish Pop-Rock-Punk-New Wave brilliance.

The Skids tour continues throughout 2018-19 for a full list of dates go to