Metal six-piece Silent Descent recently released their next single taken from their album Turn To Grey, titled Rob Rodda. The single was aired on Alex Baker’s Kerrang! Radio Fresh Blood Show and then the video premiered with New Noise magazine yesterday. The album has had over 100,000 plays on Spotify since its release in November 2017 and this next single is the band’s personal favourite from the release. Check it out below!
We managed to catch up with the band as they talked aboout their latest music video and more!
So how has the release of Rob Rodda gone down with fans?
The response to the track has been great. I think people really appreciate a band that doesn’t take themselves too seriously. For us, the crazy juxtaposition of the Right Said Fred style synth hook and the heavy Scar Symmetry style opening riff really makes this track a bit of a one off. Then again we may have just accidentally stumbled across a new sub genre…
Can you tell us something about the track no one else knows?
This track, along with all the songs that made the cut on Turn To Grey, had a fishy working title. Rob Rodda was known as ‘Tuna’ for a good couple of years. Whilst not being the most imaginative working title (for me, ‘Cod’s Pollock’s’ wins in that respect – hands down), I think it lives up to the meaty flavour of the fish and will appeal to pescephiles everywhere. Rob Rodda – the caviar of metal.
Would you say this is different to your track on Turn to Grey at all?
I think unlike a lot of the tracks on Turn To Grey, Rob Rodda has real sing-along-ability both for seasoned fans and people who’ve heard the track for the first time. I defy all but the most dedicated posers not to be belting out that ‘Na-na-na’ by the second chorus.
Will you be releasing an EP/album after this?
It’s a bit early to say – and I’ll probably get in trouble for this – but there may or may not be a follow-up release along the lines of Remind Games in the pipeline.
If you could work with any band on a new track, who would it be and why?
Obviously with such a big band (six members – it’s like herding cats), there are a billion opinions, but a track with Pendulum would be amazing. We’d have enough common ground to make something really cohesive, while at the same time pull in different directions just enough to make it interesting. Failing that, Michael Bolton all the way. If he’s reading this: please, please get in touch.
Have you got any gigs or festivals lined up for 2018?
We’re hoping to get some shows in this year but most importantly for the fans in our hometown, we’re working on that all-important launch gig in London town. It’s a guaranteed great time, you’ll chat and drink with the guys, and you don’t have to be from London to be welcome.
What do you get up to in your spare time when not working on music?
We all have varying interests and hobbies. Some like gaming, others are techy software developers and one guy collects Power Rangers paraphernalia. Myself and Jim like to get together and write cheesy pop songs, later to be performed at our local.
What’s the alternative scene like in Dartford at the moment?
There are always new and really great bands coming out of Dartford, and I recommend that all our fans from outside of our hometown come on down and support the local scene. At the very worst, you’ll meet some great characters and get sloshed with the pride of Dartford.