EP/Album Reviews

Poetry In Motion. Hello, my friends, I hope you are all keeping well during this continued lockdown. Regrettably, I take
Folk punk musician No Murder No Moustache is releasing his EP ‘Hold My Beer’ on 26th June! This is a
British rock band Toreador are releasing their brand new single ‘Shiver & Shake’ on 26th June! After releasing their debut
KID KLUMSY ‘THE FACES DON’T FIT’ E.P STP Records 8/10 ‘The Faces Don’t Fit’ is the third E.P offering from
HMV –  Hear My Voice Powered by an engine  Stoked by the dread Jet propelled by the angst  That crashes
Internal Bleeding Hello, my friends, hope you are still sane as we continue in this lunatic lockdown. If politicians are
Infamous, larger than life Norwegian Hank Von Hell is releasing his latest album, ‘Dead’ on 15th June! He is known
Three-piece band, The Spitfires, are due to release their latest album, ‘Life Worth Living’ on the 19th June 2020. The
Room Service Welcome my friends to my isolation, hunched over a laptop, absorbing what the Rock /Metal fraternity have to
Radio Waves ‘One likes to believe in the freedom of music’. Neil Peart, drummer extraordinaire, a legend in his lifetime,