So how has your latest album/EP gone so far with fans then?
The last ØSC album, Orgone Unicorn was very well received by the media and fans. It was our first album released in the USA and I think the label did a great job at promoting it but it is so hard to get people to write about your music or to get interviews so I am very happy to do this one. As far as my other projects, Doctors of Space, we had a new double CD, Wisdom of Clowns out in October and people really love it, especially the song called Needs of the One. I also released two solo CDs (Dr Space-Music to Disappear to and Dr Space´s Alien Planet Trip- Space with Bass IV) in September. I am happy with both but sales of these strange experimental projects are always difficult.
Tell us something about the release no one knows?
Not sure there is anything about the release that no one but myself knows but something that not many knows is that Luis Simões, who played GONG, Guitar, Noise Box, he was stuck in the Azore Islands and missed several days of the studio session and some of his parts on the album were recorded later all as live improvisations on top of what we recorded. We have never done that before on an album.
If you could work with any band on a new song, who would it be and why?
There are several groups I would love to work with. We did an album with our good friends in the Norwegian band called Black Moon Circle, whom I played with for 10 years. We did an album called ØSC meets BMC…. I would love to do an album like that with Motorpsycho or White Hills or GNOD or the Cosmic Dead… that would be fun and I think we could create something new and exciting as all these bands are always evolving their sound as are we..
How has your latest release been received?
There have been very good reviews. I have not seen a bad one yet so I am pleased but as I said it is hard to get anyone to write a review these days.. We must have sent out promo stuff to 100 places and you get about 20 reviews if you are lucky.. For Doctors of Space and my solo stuff, I am lucky if I can get 5-10 reviews… There are too many bands and too much music in the world today.. The people who are dedicated and write about music are too few and with all these smartphone distractions, this has created a society that does not spend more than 15 seconds looking at anything and taking a min or 2 to read a reviews, that is too much time… They can not concentrate that long or care enough…. Age of instant short bursts of nothing of importance………
Can you tell us about the meaning behind the track?
What track??? If you are talking about the title track of the new ØSC album, Orgone Unicorn (See video below). It is a 22min track that takes you on a psychedelic sitar driven space rock adventure. The video is a 4mins edit and really cool if you have time to check it out. As for the meaning, well the Oxford dictionary definition for Orgone is: “a supposed excess sexual energy or life force distributed throughout the universe which can be collected and stored for subsequent therapeutic us.”. Unicorn is a mythical creature.. Put the two together and you get something quite special.
What tours do you have coming up, and what can you tell us about them?
ØSC, we will play a 20th anniversary concert in Copenhagen, Denmark April 11-12th, 2025. It is going to be a very special night with lots of musicians (at least 15 different) playing over the 2 nights and we will play 4 sets of music. Also, we will play the Spaceboat in Hamburg Germany May 23-24th, our 10th time.. We are setting up tour in Sept and play in Italy for the first time ever. It will also include dates in Berlin, Germany, Netherlands and Denmark. Lots happening next year.
What venue are you most looking forward to playing the most, and why?
The Spaceboat is always very special. We rent out a boat (150 tickets) that we play for two days and it sails around the harbour of Hamburg for 3 hrs and we play. It is great every year and at least 60% of the audience is the same each year so it is like meeting a big group of family once a year and playing music for them… Sabine (Sapphire Records) organizes the event and we are so grateful.
What else can we expect from you in 2025?
ØSC, we will have at least 3 new studio albums out next year, two on vinyl and one only on CD and also another DVD.. Doctors of Space, we will have another studio album out in the Spring, I think and my next solo album, Space with Bass V is finished and I am working on another solo album and some other collaborations. Some of these will be released by me and others on the label, Space Rock Productions .