So how has your latest album/EP gone so far with fans then?
[ALEX_Y]: “Well, the last one we had was a single. It was very well received. Especially in Latin America.”
[SYDIUS]: “ Just the beginning, not a lot of people have had a chance to check ”
[GENA]: “ Slow and steady wins the race =) ”
[NENAD]: “So far so good, a slow yet steady international reach.”
Tell us something about the release no one knows?
[ALEX_Y]: “Live trumpets are used in the release)”
[SYDIUS]: “ No one knows when it’s ready ”
[GENA]: “ The tuning was lower than what we used on the last album. ”
[NENAD]: “There are more strings this time.”
If you could work with any band on a new song, who would it be and why?
[ALEX_Y]: “Metallica. I think these guys have tried everything in music.)”
[SYDIUS]: “ As this question comes regularly, we can have different feats from time to time. Now I suppose the Bad Plus: they could go further heavy with sound production and more sophistication for us ) ”
[GENA]: “Damn, Roman already said Dream Theater ”
[NENAD]: “Orbit Culture”
[ROMAN]: “I don’t know, Dream Theater maybe”
How has your latest release been received?
[ALEX_Y]: “I already answered, in the first question, that the reception was excellent.”
[SYDIUS]: “ Humbly and neatly ”
[GENA]: “ I don’t see a bunch of paparazzi when I leave the house, so.. ”
[NENAD]: “Slow yet steady international reach.”
Can you tell us about the meaning behind the track?
[ALEX_Y]: “It’s a song about the Vikings, about their conquest across the sea.”
[SYDIUS]: “ We get the meaning from Alex ”
[GENA]: “ Which one? Vikings? Dyatlov pass incident..? Space cowboys from hell? ”
[NENAD]: “Our next release is about misplaced albino grizzly bears, legumes in the north, penguins, and the Dyatlov pass incident.”
What tours do you have coming up, and what can you tell us about them?
[ALEX_Y]: “We have tours all over the world ahead of us, haha)) only we can’t say anything about them)))”
[SYDIUS]: “ No tours yet ”
[GENA]: “ We’re boring and stay home all day.. every day.. ”
[NENAD]: “Too early to speculate as we are working hard on rehearsing for live concerts and preproduction for the new album. Some shows domestically here and there could happen this winter.”
What venue are you most looking forward to playing the most, and why?
[ALEX_Y]: “Hellfest & Wacken”
[SYDIUS]: “ I’m not so stuck to venues but to the show you create. Feels more like an artist creates the space not the venue ”
[GENA]: “ Any venue, as long as there are listeners/viewers ”
[NENAD]: “Any venue with a stage where I can do a 360 comfortably and with good monitoring.”
What else can we expect from you in 2024?
[ALEX_Y]: “A couple more singles for sure”
[SYDIUS]: “ Some creative acceleration ”
[GENA]: “ We’re definitely not going to break up ”
[NENAD]: Finishing with preproduction for the new album”