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Josie Lockhart talks new single ‘Every Kind of Light’!

Ahead of the release of his sophomore album ‘What Golden Hues’, Josie Lockhart has unleashed a new single titled ‘Every Kind of Light’…

When did the initial idea for your latest single come together? 

This melody came to me at the tail end of putting together my last album, ‘Santa Rosa.’ I was mostly through mixing it and had the slide guitar melody pop into my head one afternoon when I was paddling on Lady Bird Lake. I half thought about trying to throw it on the album last minute, but as it developed, I thought it’d be a cool sort of guiding light for my next batch of songs, which it has been. 

How would you describe the track, to a reader that is unfamiliar with the band? 

This is a mellow Americana groover that sits on a light bed of analog synths. I sort of describe it as heartland rock with a moder sheen on it. It’s got a nice slide guitar lead and a vocal harmony chorus, two things I like to do in this project. 

Can you tell us a bit more about the meaning behind the track? 

It’s a song broadly about growing up and coming to terms with the way things are. Life never goes exactly how you plan it and that can give you some angst, but I find myself feeling a sort of contentment in my mid-30s that I maybe needed that angst to get to.

How would you say that the track compares to anything you’ve done before? 

I view it as a more developed version of what I did on my first album. It’s definitely in the sonic palette already set for Josie Lockhart, but I think it’s more refined and thoughtful. I spent a really long time analyzing small parts of the song to make every section subtly different. 

What was the hardest part about putting it together, and why? 

I think the way that my producer, Modern Medicine, and I put the album together was challenging. I had a finished bedroom version we used as a very close reference, but really got into the weeds as far as instrument and sound selection. It paid off, but it was tedious. 

Why should a reader check out the track? 

To borrow from my friend Jack Anderson, who is a radio DJ here in Austin, if you like a little trippy in your twang, you’ll like this track. 

What else can you tell us about the track, that we haven’t covered in this interview? 

It’s the first of 11! I think if people like this one, they’ll definitely enjoy the rest of the album.

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