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Singer-Songwriter Livvy Lauren Discusses Her New Single ‘Felt Love’, The Writing Process And Her Love For Performing Live

Tell us about your debut single, Felt Love. As an introduction to your music, do you think its a strong representation of your unique sound and artistry?

    “Felt Love” is such a fun and catchy song that has a feel good/care free vibe! I wanted to write lyrics that are relatable and express the connection between two people with undeniable chemistry. Whether they’ve just met on a dance floor or have been together for years, the song is about discovering a playful romance that makes you feel carefree, youthful, and alive. I drew a lot of inspiration from my current partner, whose infectious energy always brings out the best in me, even during my darkest moments. Ultimately, I wanted to create a track that encourages people to sing along and dance because that’s the kind of music I turn to when I need a boost. The song is a perfect representation of me as a person – I have ADHD so I am super hyperactive, a bit crazy, very passionate, and love to have a good time! 

    What’s your favourite part of performing live, and how is this reflected in your songwriting? 

      I honestly LOVE performing live, I think it is the best part about my career! That feeling when you are on stage, and people are singing your songs back to you is incredible. I also love a good adrenaline rush, and singing live definitely gives you that. Whenever I am in the studio recording tracks like “Felt Love”, I always close my eyes and picture I am singing in front of thousands of people, I find that this is the best way to convey the right kind of energy and excitement through my vocals that is needed for these types of songs! I also often write a lot of dance music purely for this reason. I love dancing, and so jumping around a stage with an audience giving me the same energy back is the best part about what I do! I trained in ballet, tap, jazz, modern and heels, when I was at university, so I can’t wait to be able to utilise these skills one day on a big stage! 

      How has your sound evolved over time, and what influences have shaped that evolution?

        My sound has definitely evolved a lot over the years! When I was a child I started by training in classical singing, which definitely helped me gained a solid technical foundation, however as I got older, I also explored a variety of genres, from performing with bands at school to then training in musical theatre at university. My writing has always reflected the honest truths behind how I  feel at the time, because for me, songwriting was almost a form of therapy…however, over the past few years I have realised that asides from just the lyrics, I also want to convey my overall personality throughout my music, which is why I feel like writing dance tracks suits me down to the ground! 

        What is the most fulfilling aspect of being a musician for you?

          The best part about being a musician is getting to do what I love every single day! Whether I am writing for myself, another artist, or even sending vocals off to DJ’s for club songs, I am so so grateful I get to wake up each day, getting to do the thing I love the most – singing! I am one of the very few that are lucky enough to say that my job doesn’t ever feel like it’s a job. I think the best part about being an artist though is performing live, nothing else in the world could ever give me a better high or buzz! 

          ‘Felt Love’ marks an exciting beginning to your career. As someone with a longtime passion for songwriting, did you have to overcome obstacles along the way? 

            ‘Felt Love’ has definitely been an amazing step for me in my career but of course it did come with obstacles along the way! To get to this point there have been so many days, weeks or months even throughout the last 5 years, of feeling like I am not getting anywhere, or questioning whether people would like my music, or whether I would even be heard by anyone in the industry! I think that is just part of that I have signed up for, this industry can be brutal, and although the highs are incredible, the lows are also super tough as well, as it is such a personal career and people judge you for who you are and whether or not they like your music. You defiantly have to have tough skin to be in the game, and the biggest thing I have learnt over the years is to never give up and keep fighting because you just don’t know what is around the corner. 

            What advice would you give to other musicians who are just starting out? 

              The best advice I could give to other artists, is actually something that I am still working on myself, and that is BE YOUR TRUE SELF. I think it is so easy now to feel like you have to live up to the expectations of social media and to be someone you think other people would want you to be rather than just showing who you truly are! I would also say to just keep going, keep networking, meet as many people you can and show as many people as you can what you can do and how talented you are as you never know what might come of it. And DON’T EVER STOP BELIEVING IN YOURSELF! 

              ‘Felt Love’ was released after its unexpected feature on Love Island – do you hope to have your music included in more TV shows? 

                “Felt Love” featuring on Love Island was such an incredible and crazy experience! The platform gave me so much exposure as an artist and for that I couldn’t be more grateful! A lot of music I write definitely lends itself to TV, so after my success with getting onto Love Island, hopefully a lot of other shows will want my future music as well! I keep saying to my managers, I would really love for my songs to one day feature on a big film- just so I can sit in the cinema and have a little moment of pride! 

                How would you describe your style, and how do you think it stands out?

                  I don’t think you can pinpoint my music to one style/genre specifically! I think my music is unique because every song has a slightly different feel to it but all with the same intention – to make you feel good and to make you move! Whether I am dropping a drum and bass song, a house number, or a single infused with R&B and Afrobeats, I hope that they can all make people feel uplifted and empowered. 

                  You collaborated with Jungleboi on ‘Felt Love,’ who has worked alongside icons such as Lily Allen and Zayn. Do you have any dream artists you’d love to work with? 

                    Writing the track at Abbey road with Jungleboi was such a fun and relaxed experience. He is super talented, and just instantly knew the vibe I wanted to create for “Felt Love”,  so working with him was really really easy! There are so many other incredible writers I would love to work with in future, such as Kamille who has written for artists such as ‘Little Mix’ ‘Clean Bandit’ ‘Mabel’ and many more! Of course in the future I would love to collaborate with loads of artists as well such as Ella Henderson, Becky Hill and Jorja Smith! I would also love to work with a rapper one day as this is something I have never done before! 

                    Looking ahead, what are your key goals and aspirations for the future?

                      I have so many goals I would love to get to, but the main ones would definitely be performing as a headliner at some of the biggest festivals like Glastonbury, getting my music into the Official UK Top Charts, and performing live on the BBC Live Lounge sessions!! 

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