When did the initial idea for your latest single come together?
It actually dates back before the start of the Monkey Intrusion project. It happened that Marco “Ples” (bass) and Vincenzo (voice and guitar) got together one night, having each one a part of a song that wanted the other to listen to and see what might happen. Both parts were in the same key and together they could form a song in its own right, one being the verses and the other the chorus. Then while working at the arrangement the crescendo part took form. When Monkey Intrusion kicked off ,the final version was shaped.
How would you describe the track, to a reader that is unfamiliar with the band?
It’s a sort of punkish, indie, alternative song. It’s got some interesting progressions and the two main voices that alternate between verses and chorus are incredible.
Can you tell us a bit more about the meaning behind the track?
Well, what we thought of was about an astronaut that is lost in space and try to think to the basic realities of life to come back to his senses. So you have those “the sky is blue, the milk is white” lines. Then he comes to terms with the situation and finds a profound inner peace and that’s the part with the crescendo.
How would you say that the track compares to anything you’ve done before?
It falls in line with our intentions about the project, no song is similar to the other, only the sound keeps everything together. We write to convey emotions and we pick from any genre what it’s needed in a section to underline the feelings. We hardly want to be considered a genre band!
What was the hardest part about putting it together, and why?
Okay, let’s say this track wasn’t one of the most difficult to get the hang of. Probably the work on the second guitar, because it had to carry an impact and meaning while not clashing with the main rhythm guitar.
Why should a reader check out the track?
Because it’s a weird, catchy song with a great groove!
What else can you tell us about the track, that we haven’t covered in this interview?
Well, it’s been one of the first songs recorded in the making of “Pussycats and Monkeymen”. When we started we were pretty confident that it would be reasonably an easy work because we performed it so many times live. So after a couple of takes we were happy of the results. Needless to say the producer wasn’t of the same advice. It took several more takes to finally nail it! But it’s been a great lesson that served us well to complete the album.