Woo Is Me

‘All your folding like a sleeping bag, that you can’t squeeze back into the sack’

Today I bring you the debut single and the follow up single lovingly crafted by a rollicking three-piece from down south, they are called Wooed, and feature these rough-edged ruffians in our humble magazine. The band are Dai Howells on drums, Jack Stanton – guitar/vocals and Ash Curtis on bass, together they launch themselves into the music industry scrummage and hope to emerge triumphant with all their vital organs intact.
First up is ‘After That The Dark’ a track that gives you the exquisite eccentricity of The Fall and The Cardiacs, slightly unhinged it is dramatic and instrumental in delivering a well-placed kick to the undercrackers. I like the flow of this one, it skims along, nonchalant, giving you everything you want. They bring hope for parity at a time when everything is off kilter, it is music that unites. The second single ‘Abyssal’ has the same great approach, that unfinished charm, guitars that cut through flesh and bone without a second thought. It reminds me of old school Indie bands like Loop, Motorcycle Boy, and The Vines, championing individuality and pushing back against a society that would rather bury us.
These two songs show great promise especially now when the industry is in turmoil and the future is looking pretty bleak. We are all influenced by what we see, what we feel and what we hear. All these elements are important in creating a sound that reflects our reactions and our perceptions. The extensive palette that is the music industry provides broad strokes for the wider picture and then the thinner, rigger brushes for the longer lines, and the script brush for the delicate touches that accentuate the details. These qualities mirror the artists that ply their trade, whatever musical form that takes, more importantly it is for us to entertain the discourse within the seemingly discordant.

Give these guys a spin, woo betide anyone who misses this.

Azra Pathan
Wooed – After That The Dark/ Abyssal out now

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