We talk with WEAK13 to discuss everything you need to know about their latest track ‘Go Away (Nada Remix)’!
Interview with WEAK13 singer & guitarist Nick J Townsend

So, how did you end up signing with Sliptrick Records, and what have they been like to work with so far?
We like their attitude; it felt like the right time for WEAK13 to have a record company representing us. This is all very new and exciting and I’m sure down the line there will be a few challenges but that’s like every good relationship.
What made you want to re-visit ‘Go Away’?
It was actually an idea suggested by the CEO of the Record Company that we should have a remix of an older song. “Go Away” was one of the first songs we did and we felt it never quite got the audience or attention it deserved. The “Nada remix” has been very popular and we’re happy more people have listened to the tune now.
Looking back on the original version of ‘Go Away’ what do you love the most about this track, and why does it stand out to you?
If you are a guitarist then playing “Go Away” is a treat because it’s got all the best riffs. The original feels fantastic to play live. It’s just raw energy and you can’t help feeling like a juggernaut when you play it.
Lyric wise, is there anything you can tell us about the meaning behind the track?
I guess it’s almost like a breakup song. It’s describing a situation that some folks get when they discover they’ve been deceived or lied to in some way, yet when they tell others about it no one will believe them and label you as crazy. I dunno; I think it’s just about standing up for yourself and telling someone to back off if they take the piss.
Also, what do you remember the most about putting it together originally with the band?
It was one of those songs that really helped define the WEAK13 sound. When you first hear it you do not know where the heck it’s heading but you are loving every moment. Expect the unexpected but keep the audience engaged.
When did you realise that you wanted to do a remix version of ‘Go Away’, and why did you pick this particular track?
Well, like I said it was the Sliptrick Records CEO that suggested we do a remix. We could have picked any WEAK13 tune; including ones that we haven’t even released yet. ‘Go Away’ was the logical choice. It’s a massive sounding tune and one of our regrets was not including it on the debut album. It never got as much limelight so we’re a lot happier now that more people are aware of it.
How did you end up collaborating with The Gideon Complex, and what have they been like to work with on ‘Go Away (Nada Remix)’? What did they bring to the whole process?
Pure fun. ‘The Gideon Complex’ was a joy to collaborate with; we already had some ideas for the kind of style, sound and direction we were aiming for and as soon as we told him he loved what we were going for. He exceeded our expectations and brought so much of himself into the song. I recommend other bands work with him.
We have to ask, how did the music video idea for ‘Go Away (Nada Remix)’ come about, and what was it like to bring it to life?
Some of the lyrics to the song were slightly inspired by the 1988 John Carpenter film ‘They Live’. So we figured it would be neat to produce a music video which kinda salutes the movie. We had a wonderful make up FX artist from Manchester called Jade Robinson help create the look and we co-directed the music video with cinematographer Billy Ghuman. All filmed during one day and I was in make up for at least 15 hours with limited vision.
You’ve said that it was inspired by the movie ‘They Live’! Why does that movie stick out to you, and why has it influenced you so much as a musician?
The WEAK13 debut album was titled ‘They Live’. The themes of the film are so inspiring and more relatable now than ever before. It’s one of those movies that critics just didn’t understand when it first got released but it gained a cult following years later and that’s always been how I feel WEAK13 is treated to this day. People seem to get WEAK13 much later after first contact.
What do you think fans can expect from the track ‘Go Away (Nada Remix)’, and what do you just want it to do for the listener overall? What do you want them to take from it?
I just want people to have fun, play air guitar and enjoy themselves. This is a remix that’s quite faithful to the original but still offers something different and you can only listen to it loud. If you have a good time then mission accomplished.
What else can we expect from WEAK13 as we head towards the end of 2023, and even into 2024?
You can expect the unexpected. There’s no way you can possibly guess or predict what we got coming next but trust me; we know exactly what’s coming and it’s going to be a lot of fun.