Fetal Beings

‘it’s been seventeen years of silence since the last fucker felt my rage’.

Oh my fucking God, that speaks volumes, I can totally relate to the silence part, the rage is more bottled up, it will probably never surface, I’m not an angry person, I would rather walk away than have a confrontation. Looks like Dying Fetus and I will become friends for life on count of that lyric alone.
From the free state of Maryland, they have returned with album number nine and excuse me while I prepare for a bloodfest this afternoon- lays down plastic sheets all over the room – ahem.
Stay tuned my friends, for you will be ‘Enlightened Through Agony’ as we enter the fetal dungeon- clutches pearls – a brutal assault from the outset, Dying Fetus have been around a very long time and know too much.
Our online existence is under fire with ‘Feast Of Ashes’ and the words
‘it’s selfie time, trying to prove that you’re desired’.
They are significant in their meaning as we are all caught up with the likes on social media and our whole attitude and persona is governed by them.
The chaotic and abundantly deranged ‘Throw Them In The Van’ is next, 1.41 of cut-throat menace and depravity, in stark contrast ‘Raised in Victory, Razed In Defeat’ creeps along like the Caterpillar tracks on a tank and then at 2.06 goes in for the kill at high speed. Dying Fetus are John Gallagher – vocals/guitar, Sean Beasley – bass and Trey Williams on drums, together they form a scarily sprightly trio of tortuous tormentors, hellbent on handing out contusions and bruises at will, get in line for the most punishing of musical pieces that is unhinged and uniquely clever in equal parts. With the gut-churning merriment of ‘Undulating Carnage’ at 1.23 you will find the first of many such undulations. The multilayered, toing and froing of the composition, gliding along then careering headlong into the unsuspecting human listening party that collapses in a convoluted heap.
We finish with a little ‘Subterfuge’ always good fun on a sunny afternoon, overflowing with the guttural grumblings that play an important part in the Death metal sound and portrayal. These gruff vocals are gnarly and robust enough to carry the melodies here and are rugged enough to articulate the meaning and add character to the songs.
As we are dying each day, losing more and more of our senses and sensibilities, any which way you can, just throw them in the van.

Azra Pathan

Dying Fetus – Make Them Beg For Death out 8th September via Relapse Records