Mathcore Mayhem

So, at 6.35am on a Sunday morning I find myself resurrecting my withered corpse to start reviewing again, and what better way than encountering this monster whilst on a random trek through Mathcore world. Suplex are Matt Baker – vocals, James Venegas – drums/vocals, Alex Vargas – guitar, Sebi Figueroa – bass and Rodrigo Alarcon on guitar, hailing from Santa Rosa, California, the sunshine state it may be but not in this arena.
It’s a bit of an animal this one, volatile and visceral, kinda reminded me of the FFAF video for ‘Bullet Theory’ which had the mystery figure in the head covering,
An element of conspiracy, a bravado, an attempt to contort and confuse, a highly successful mission in this case. Beginning with about a minute and half of setting the scene, then at 1.40 the holler from Hell and at 2.07 the words, as those distinctive Mathcore vocals make their dramatic entrance. Heavy duty bass lines drag you over hot coals, scorching your soul, blackening your senses, but don’t worry ‘I can make an addiction out of anything’. A mysterious wooden box signals the deadly demise of one unsuspecting individual, witness sadness juxtaposed with madness, a mental decline, tumbling into a vortex that is out of control. A beautifully crafted melody at 2.58, tuneful yet still abrasive, stokes up annihilistic vibes, and sets the timer to self-destruct. With an EP waiting in the wings, this my friends is one to watch.
We’ve already had Ocean Avenue, Parkway Drive, Detonation Boulevard, and now you have an opportunity to promenade down Suplex Alley.
So, dial M for Mathcore and erm… don’t hold your breath.

Azra Pathan

Suplex – Don’t Hold Your Breath out now.