Follow The Celtic Rock

Rock and Roll with a Celtic Twist   Celtic Rock Radio, a new streaming service that brings together artists from around the globe. But there’s a catch – all artists must be Celtic (in some way) and all artists must play Rock n’ Roll, which includes Bagpipe Rock, Soft Rock, Bluegrass Rock, Metal, Instrumentals and more.  It’s just brilliant Music!

Celtic Rock Radio recently launched. You can listen online, or through the FREE Celtic Rock Radio mobile apps for Apple and Android. Helming the station is Celtic Artist, Erin Rado (Ravensdaughter) owner of and Editor of Celtic Nations Magazine. Asked why she started it…. “There’s lots of streaming Celtic stations playing traditional Irish folk music or meditation music, but nothing that really kicks arse! I wanted Celtic music I can blast while zooming down the freeway – or better still wake me up in the morning. And there’s soooo much amazing Celtic rock music out there! There are so many talented bands playing the Celtic Music Festival circuits. Fans know it, and now everyone is going to have a place to listen to it all!”

Focusing on Indie bands from  some of which listeners may know and some of which they have yet to discover. The station currently broadcasts artists such as CELTICA – Pipes rock, Highlander Celtic Rock Australia, Skerryvore, Seven Nations, Leah, Tallymoore, Steve McDonald and many others. 

Coming soon the official  website will soon feature pages for all its broadcast artists so fans can have access to all band info in a single place, monthly Celtic Rock videos, and other content including Events and Band News will be featured Additionally Celtic Music Podcasts and Band Blocks where artists can feature new album releases.

So Download the APP Now to listen~ also listen and Follow the rock here…..