Single Review: The Big Dirty – Under The Crimson Moon

Serious Moonlight

So my friends The Big Dirty are back with a new single, one of many artists using lockdown to be more productive and provide a musical soundtrack to the ongoing mayhem, and what better subject matter than your friendly neighbourhood serial killer? These lads are known for their downright filth filled attitude and aesthetic and here with ‘Under The Crimson Moon’ they take a slightly different turn. After a demure introduction we get sucked into the mean and murderous riffage that you came here for, an unashamed and confident outing, catapulted skywards with the whiskey soaked vocals of Mr Rocket – see what I did there, clever eh? – a be very afraid skin pounding by resident drum beast T – Dog, and tugging on the strings of love are dazzling duo Mr Diddy and J.C who complete this awesome foursome. There’s a nifty bit of fretwork at 1.58 and oh my, it may be small but it is perfectly formed and that seamless motion carries the song, this is classic rock of the sleaze variety dragged into the here and now. This tenebrous little tune will gnaw at you and claw at you, with an M.O that is slinky and stealthy. In this scenario, a suitably crazed video promises that there will be blood; with a shaved head, you’ll be better off dead, and the crimson irrefutable. 

Excuse me while I sharpen my knives. 

The Big Dirty – Under The Crimson Moon out now via self-release