When sitting down with Tizane (over Zoom of course), I didn’t expect to be greeted by sunshine and waves rolling over the sand, I knew she was from down south but just how far down south?
The answer is Dartford, and it was of course the standard zoom greenscreen, either way, it makes a change from the usual rainy winter weather.
Now with her first album ‘Cherry‘ having just been released, there was a lot of important business to discuss, are you excited, how long did it take and why do you have a duck called MEGATRON.
With the 19-year-old Tizane, it is hard not to be struck by her maturity and productivity. As a similar age to myself, I do try my best, but this girl is putting us all to shame.
Making music is something she was so obviously born to do. Realistically, how many artists come up with their title track and album from a dream, let alone rush out of bed at stupid o’clock to make that dream become a reality.
“Sometimes it’s like 3 in the morning and I can’t sleep, and I will get literally the smallest idea. I’ll be going do do da in my head and I’m like… okay I have to go. My studio is in my back garden – separate from the house, so I will get up, run downstairs and quickly unlock and plug everything in.
“There is no real process to it, I don’t know how but it just happens, it can be lyrics or a tune and then it all comes from that.”
If I didn’t feel unproductive before, I do now I know even her subconscious sleeping state is writing music.
That being said, writing music has been a long-term passion for Tizane who wrote beautiful tracks like ‘Death of Me’ at just 14-years-old. Despite this, I wasn’t letting go of the fact that she has a recording studio in her back garden and writes songs in her sleep…at least I wasn’t planning to…
“Oh my god I’m so sorry that’s MEGATRON, my duck”
Safe to say I’m staring back at Tizane now with my mouth wide open, thrown off by a number of things: the beach background, the studio in her back garden and MEGATRON (spelt in all caps to scare off the other ducks).
“I’ve got ducks just outside; can you hear them quacking?”
“Yeah I have Ariana and Count Quackula as well. They can just come in and out of the studio.”
“So, they’re just allowed in and out whenever”
“Yeah, I hatched them, so they follow me like I’m their mum, they’re like the best animals. You can get house ducks too and train them! I used to bring my ducks in the house and have them on the sofa until my mum walked in and said what the **** are you doing”
Whilst he might not be allowed on the sofa, here’s to hoping MEGATRON gets a special feature on a track one day.
It isn’t too hard to achieve either considering Tizane writes, mixes and edits pretty much all her tracks. It is something she has wanted to do for a long time and she has actively played a role in making that a reality.
“I went to school, had a bit of a tough time at school, went to college and hated that too.
“I just wasn’t getting as much done as I wanted to. Personally, it just felt like a waste of time I wanted to be writing and producing my own songs, so I dropped out, started making songs and was lucky enough to get picked up by my manager, now that is my main job.”
Tizane calls it luck but she’s just being modest.
“A couple of years ago my manager was drinking in the pub I was playing an open mic at. He approached me and I turned him down, you get a lot of people who say they want to manage you but then they end up making you pay them (etc).
“Anyway, I came back to play again, and he was there, he sat down and basically said, he needs to work with me…now he is one of my best mates.”
Nevertheless, when it comes to music, Tizane prefers her own company having taught herself how to play a long list of instruments because even working with a teacher is a no go.
A self-taught editor, guitarist, pianist and singer who can also, play the harp and the kalimba – I’ll add an image if you’re as confused as I was about that last one.
“My goal is to play every instrument in the world and eventually try every genre in the world”
An ambitious goal but coming from Tizane, I don’t doubt it for one second. She dreams an idea and makes it a reality, no matter how many late nights that may need which is why this young artist is one you need to watch. There is no doubting the achievements that this girl will reach and after one listen to ‘Cherry’ I am sure that you will agree.