So how has your latest album/EP gone so far with fans then?
Hi Original Rock. So the last release we have done is a short movie with one of our song. It has been surprising how much it was selected by film festival. It won the one in Montreal, Canada.
We worked on it with a Film Maker in Japan called SONODA Yumi; such an exciting and unique experience! We will continue to work together on next chapters, I hope soon.
Tell us something about the release no one knows?
Working with Japanese people is really challenging; they are hard worker and never tired:) I love it!
If you could work with any band on a new song, who would it be and why?
Why not GrandSon. Just because he looks like crazy in a good way.
How has your latest release been received?
It is going slowly but strongly as something strange that we want to know more about it. The funny thing is that it has lot of success into the film festival domain As we can notice you never know which door will be open to you for showing your work: that is the magical thing in music.
What tours do you have coming up, and what can you tell us about them?
No tour as you know with all this crazy situation everyone is going through. We will see. We are focus on building this second opus strongly. We are in touch with an agency in UK for the first album. We will see if we can make things happen.
What venue are you most looking forward to playing the most, and why?
Why not the Burning Man, it has to be unique!
What else can we expect from in 2021?
Well we are building the next short movies with Yumi SONODA and we are working on the physical version of the album ( master, vinyl production)
Website: https://www.vaya-official.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vaya.official/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VAYA.Official
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5czbVWJwlacoUMBCyqnfzA