5 things to do while you are waiting for your favourite band

Whether you’re a metalhead or a pop prince, there is one thing all music lovers can agree on: the release of a much-anticipated album can be a tedious wait. There is truly nothing duller than sitting at your laptop waiting for the counter to go down to zero, as if somehow staring at it is going to make it speed up. 

Unfortunately, an hour lasts as long as all hours do, and there is nothing you can do to make time go faster. But you can make it seem like it is. So, to help the wait more bearable, here is a list of five things you can do while you are waiting for your favourite band’s new album to launch.

#1 Listen to the band’s older tracks

Listening to your favourite bands can be a great leisure activity. Listening to music releases positive hormones, so you’re more likely to feel happier by doing this. It’s also good to remind yourself of the band’s highs and unfortunate lows, as all bands have, and compare it to what you might have heard from the debuts of the album.

#2 Join community forums to enjoy other fans’ opinions

Joining a fan forum can help take the edge off of your excitement, especially if you’re bouncing off the walls in anticipation. Enjoying other fans’ opinions and hopes for the album will give you a healthy place to put your excitement, and you may even meet some friends on there to enjoy the album with. 

#3 Concentrate on something else to pass the time

Concentrating on something else can make the time feel like it’s going far faster than it is. Taking time to do a hobby or playing games will help put your mind on something else. Play classic slots or your favourite Call of Duty or Rainbow Six Siege can help pass the time and help distract your mind from how slowly the clock is moving.

#4 Learn and analyse your old favourite riffs and lyrics

Learning and analysing old riffs and lyrics can be a great way to pass the time, especially if you’re very attached to a certain song. It can help you form a deeper connection with the artist and help you understand the topics that they might cover in their next songs. This can be a great and intellectual way to pass the time.

#5 Check for tour dates so you can plan events with your friends

Organising something for the future with your other music-obsessed friends can be a great way to think ahead instead of being stuck waiting for something to happen. Check for tour dates and locations near you that your favourite band might be playing at, and try and organise your friends to come too. 

This can be a great social gathering opportunity, especially if you haven’t seen them in a long time. This can be a great opportunity to have fun and enjoy the music you love.