REVIEW: Arrival by aliensdontringdoorbells

Whilst we might not be able to attend live music performances the same way as we have done in previous years, 2020 still has supplied the world with new music throughout. We now have the new pop-rock trio Aliensdontringdoorbells.  Consisting of Dorian Foyil (Guitar, Sax and Lead Vocals), Adam King (Lead and Backing Vocals) and Christian Pearl (Keyboards and Backing Vocals) this band have now released their debut album ‘Arrival’. 

Opener ‘Slipping Away’ is about a girl who gets dressed up to go out so you think you are gonna lose her forever. An interesting subject matter complete with a catchy chorus. 

The rocky ‘Consummation’ deals with the themes of anxiety and paranoia and sounds like an early Stereophonics number with its punchy guitar tone. Fans of blues will enjoy ‘Daddy Blues’ with its Louisiana swamp blues vibe and for lovers of funk you need look no further than ‘Blind To See’ which includes a tight rhythm section of Kevin Dean on drums and Earl Forbes on bass.

Then you are transported a saloon bar type setting with the piano driven ‘The Heart Is In Her Eyes’ which is what it would sound like if Billy Ocean was in ‘Back To The Future Part Three’ which was set in the Wild West. A definite highlight on this record. 

Emotions run high on cuts such as ‘Important’ and ‘Story’ with the latter dealing with familial memories and the loss of a parent. King’s vocal is heartfelt and powerful and even though they are at times hard to listen to (because of the subject matter) they are nevertheless musically flawless.

To summarise, Aliensdontringdoorbells set out to create an entertaining pop album which danced with a variety of different musical styles including rock, soul, Americana and more. To quote the first ‘Back To The Future’ film – “You know that new sound you’ve been looking for? Well listen to this!”