Single Review: The Strifes – ‘All Day And Night’

Southampton based indie-rock band, The Strifes are releasing their debut single ‘All Day and Night’ on the 2nd October 2020. 

The three long-term best friends originally formed the band in May with no real intention of becoming serious but to share their passion for music. However, after this single, it is no surprise that plans for live shows and future releases are in the works. 

The single takes off with the familiar purr of guitar that indie anthems pride themselves on before the crashing of drums clears the path for the main melody. 

With sweat and grit, this classic indie banger lashes through the speakers with every crack of drums and growl of bass. 

Clearly the band share many similarities with the likes of The Snuts and Twisted Wheel (as well as their name, taken from Twisted Wheels ‘Strife’) and like these bands, it’s easy to imagine yourself screaming along at a live gig. It radiates with classic indie banger vibes, picking the beat up in all the right places and driving your adrenalin wild.

Frontman Taylor said, “It’s all about finding someone and for that night you can’t stop thinking about them because they just have that effect on you.” Although, as the song moves on, it becomes clear that it less about the person and more the euphoria of the night. 

With all that pounding energy and grit, it isn’t hard to imagine ‘All Day and Night’ as the perfect chaotic night out montage – be it in a film, real-life or more likely our imaginations at this unusual point in time. 

Although The Strifes had no initial intention of becoming serious, they certainly don’t hold back as this raucous single hits the ground running, making it an impressive debut single and themselves a definite band to keep an eye on! 

Give ‘All Day and Night’ a listen from the 2nd October, available across all digital platforms.