Swears talk about latest single ‘Say Nothing’

Swears released latest single ‘Say Nothing’ last month, here’s the band giving you more of an insight on the release!

‘Say Nothing’ was released as a single/video on July 10th, but it’s from our EP ‘Seersucker’. We recorded the music with Ed Hall at All Silk Recording Studio. It’s the fastest, most punk song on the EP and lyrically it deals with the topic of divisive voices within society. It seems that more and more there is a prevailing tribalism in thought processes and, especially on social media, a lot people just want to make statements and announce their opinion without themselves listening and engaging in a dialogue. The song comes out of a condemnation of that attitude and a desire to silence the most overtly hateful and divisive voices, if only temporarily.

We recorded the video for ‘Say Nothing’ in one day at Base Camp Boro, who kindly let us use the warehouse for the shoot. It was filmed by Joel’s brother Louis, who recently graduated university with a degree in film. We wrote and directed it ourselves, as we do with most of our videos, and edited it too (which explains the top notch cgi). We portray the characters in this video, which meant we got to stretch our thespian legs once more – delivering some powerful, emotive performances. It’s also the first video Ginge (bassist Tom Gingell) has officially shot with us, although he’s in the background during the bar scenes in our previous video ‘Cabin Fever’.

In the video, we play four old-timey gangsters who’ve just come from a robbery gone wrong. Tensions flare and the argument escalates to violence. We enjoy being theatrical with our video releases and we like to say they’re all set in the same swearsiverse (we want a piece of that sweet Marvel pie) so there are a few classic SWEARS cameos and references – in fact you can consider it a direct prequel to ‘Cabin Fever’. The meaning of the lyrics is in no way reflected by the theme or events of the video at all! Really, we just wanted to wear matching suits, pretend we were gangsters and shoot each other in the face. To die on camera was a real treat for us.