So how has your latest album/EP gone so far with fans then?
Our debut single ‘Ladybird’ came out back in March, and we’ve had pretty much all positive feedback. It’s been in the live show since the bands inception, so it was nice to finally put it out there in a studio format, and to have people respond in such a positive way. Ben at Forgotten Media did an amazing job producing it and our friend Tom Sharp made us a killer video, so it’s been a really positive first release.
Tell us something about the release no one knows?
Umm, well I recorded it way way back in September, I think. Then we kind of shelved it and almost scrapped it. The band almost imploded, and then Ben and I went back over the whole thing and built it back up in the new year after I’d written the EP. He remixed the whole thing and it just came out absolutely perfect. So yeah it almost sounded completely different, and it almost didn’t even see daylight!
If you could work with any band on a new song, who would it be and why?
I would absolutely love to join the Hans Zimmer band for something, just to be part of that creative process which has so many different aspects and elements. He’s a full on genius, that live Prague show they put out blew me away when I first saw it. Johnny Marr played guitar on a couple and I thought that was just insanely cool.
How has your latest release been received?
As a first foray for us, it’s opened a lot of doors and connected the band with a lot of people, so that’s been great. It was just a necessity to put some music out, and we were super lucky to have that all ready to go before the lockdown was initiated. Everyone that’s sent us anything has been lovely.
Can you tell us about the meaning behind the track?
It’s got a few underlying themes, the main one is about a kind of internal struggle. That side of you, that voice in your head that makes you make bad decisions. It’s like a night out in your own brain gone wrong, and that intoxication with the bad. The outro is kind of breaking out of that fugue state, fighting back against yourself.
What tours do you have coming up, and what can you tell us about them?
At the moment, due to the Corona lockdown, all our upcoming shows aren’t happening, but we’ll be playing a couple of shows when it’s safe. Hopefully a London show and one down in Brighton or somewhere. When the next single and subsequently the EP comes out we’ll get on some release parties.
What venue are you most looking forward to playing the most, and why?
I can’t wait to play at the Underworld in Camden if we ever get offered anything there, that was one of my absolute favourite venues growing up. I remember seeing Enter Shikari there in 2010 maybe? It was just a sweat box, having a show of our own like that one day would be rad.
What else can we expect from in 2020?
I’ve spent the entire isolation period holed up writing and demoing new material, but before that gets touched on, we’ve got an EP en route. As soon as the lockdown eases up I’m throwing myself back into the studio to get that finished, and then we’ll hopefully release it this Summer/Autumn. So new music, and then as many shows as we can play once its deemed safe again!