So how has your latest album/EP gone so far with fans then?
I still get Goosebumps when I see people vibe to it! I’m so happy people like it, it’s more than I could have hoped for.
Tell us something about the release no one knows?
Hahaha when I first wrote “Growin’ Addiction” the verses spilled out almost automatically, within 5 minutes I had my first and second verse. The chorus however was not happening, I was becoming frustrated with the song and wrote down a simple place holder that sounded a lot like the chorus of “Call me maybe”. I had asked a friend if he would record a pop chord progression on his keyboard with the melody on top, but because we had only 10 minutes to do it, we didn’t have time to play with it and by the end it sounded like a Disney Princess song that could have been in Enchanted. So, its inception was a cheesy musical that once I stripped all the unnecessary parts I found my sexy, seductive song that lived up to its name and lyrics.
If you could work with any band on a new song, who would it be and why?
Fleetwood Mac for sure! Their arrangements, lyrics, harmonies, musical style, are timeless. I love the 70’s both in fashion and the rock that came out. It was a time of experimenting and finding yourself, and to me Fleetwood Mac represent the 70’s.
How has your latest release been received?
Growin’ Addiction is the popular song from my EP Cannibal, which is amazing because that was the catalyst for the EP and my overall sound.
Can you tell us about the meaning behind the track?
Its about the feeling and excitement you experience in the beginning of a new relationship. You don’t know if it’ll go past the first date or if its more just about an attraction to someone new, but it suddenly is all you can think about it, and you find yourself replaying the moments over and over in your head.
What tours do you have coming up, and what can you tell us about them?
I do not have any tours planned as of yet, but when I do it will be in combination with my fashion shows.
What venue are you most looking forward to playing the most, and why?
I would love to play in El Rey Theatre in LA. Its feels so intimate and nostalgic of the music scene in LA back in the 70’s.
What else can we expect from in 2020?
I’m working on my new album! I’ve also been slowly releasing new visual art content I have been working on for my ep Cannibal. I had to change my plans for 2020, just like everyone else, so I’m playing it by ear and using my time to work on more designing, writing, and visuals.