The Barstool Preachers
‘Soundtrack To Your Apocalypse’
(Pirates Press)

April 2020 and Brighton meets London Punk/Ska/Rock band The Barstool Preachers should be packing their bags for a tour of the USA with The Business and also popping into Las Vegas for a main stage, afternoon slot at the prestigious Punk Rock Bowling festival. Sadly the ongoing Coronavirus has put most festivals and tours on hold until early 2021. So what better way to put these isolating times to the back of our captive minds than TWO free downloads from The Barstool Preachers and a fan starring video to boot.

The first single is the anthemic ‘When The World Ends’ which highlights the band’s natural socially aware sing-a-long Punk/2-Tone/Reggae and Rock qualities. ‘When The World Ends’ has a disarming yet uplifting flow that is punchy enough to keep the band’s ever-growing army happy while entrapping new listeners into the Preachers ever welcoming family. ‘State Of Emergency’ has more sharp ‘n’ snarling teeth than Joe Exotic and Carol Baskin sharing a breakfast muffin but much like ‘When This World Ends’ ‘State Of Emergency’ has an underlying 2-Tone thread. The sound is perfectly mixed with a military beat and some spat out heartfelt lyrics. with both Grenfell and English Bombs in Yemen being shoved into the uncomfortable Preachers light. The tunes, however, are a celebratory sign of what can or could be achieved rather than just focusing on the government’s and certain individuals numerous failings. Two stunning cuts of prime-time Barstool Preachers, go get ’em and help the band and our NHS in the process.
The tracks will be available from Friday, April 24th from the band’s website and all major streaming services.
The Bar Stool Preachers will also be doing a live stream gig on Friday May 1st, check their website or Facebook for details and times.

Head over to
for the free downloads plus band merch, dates and news.