Single Review: Black Anchors – Heart Attack

Combining the classic punk sensibilities of bands like Hot Water Music with the dynamics you see in modern metalcore, Black Anchors are back with a new single, the second from their forthcoming E.P titled “DIYFS.” “Heart Attack” will have the crowds tearing up mosh pits up and down this fair isle, with its blistering riffs accompanying a memorable chorus, that will ring in your head for days (tack, tack, tack.} It’s all given a big cuddle by beautiful lyrical theme running prevalent throughout the verses and delivered in a rap style, which is all designed to build to that chorus. Having not been privy to anything else by the band, I couldn’t tell you if this single is typical of their sound, but what I do know is that I will be paying a lot more attention to Black Anchors in the future, as should you.