Glasgow’s Ohnova announce new single ‘Banjo Mac’ from upcoming EP ‘I Can’t Sleep’

From within Glasgow’s vibrant music scene emerges OHNOVA, with their powerful slice of alt-rock, with big riffs and even bigger melodies. OHNOVA are proud to announce that their brand new EP called ‘I Can’t Sleep‘ will be released on 24th May, with a new single ‘Banjo Mac’, taken from the EP, hitting the streets on the 29th March.

Having formed in 2017, OHNOVA are a relatively new band and with the release of their previous single (also from the new EP) Heavy Smile they have received only positive attention. The OHNOVA ethos is not just to produce a great track but also to be entertaining, something which can be seen in their willingness to inject a visual humour in their videos to juxtapose the serious tone of the lyrics.
OHNOVA have already released one track from the ‘I Can’t Sleep’ EP, called Heavy Smile. Experience OHNOVA in the video below:
Speaking of the previous track, Heavy Smile, Paul Morton (vocals & bass) comments:

“Heavy smile was one of the first ones we wrote as a trio. We wanted something catchy with a massive riff that would really act as a mission statement for the band. 

I wrote the words for a friend who was going through a bit of a rough patch. It’s essentially about starting a relationship which you know, objectively, is a bad idea. But, it can be hard to separate the heart and the head sometimes. Something I think we can all relate to. 

So, that’s what it’s about. Falling for someone and feeling so amazing about it you’re blind to the fact you may be repeating old, destructive habits which only lead to heartbreak or pain down the line. That’s why the chorus ends with the line “I’ve been fooled before”.

For the music video, we wanted to present the message of abandoning logic for ill-advised pleasure in a much more fun way. That’s why it starts with us abandoning our diets, getting dressed up and going on a big night out. Its great fun! But, it leads to a hangover and headache the next day.”
OHNOVA have the following shows lined up, get along and support them in their plans for world domination!

20th April – Craignish Village Hall, Ardfern (w/ Take Today) (tickets & info)
26th April – Broadcast, Glasgow (w/Hands Off Gretel) (tickets & info)
1st June – Lounge 41, Workington (tickets & info)