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Interview: Félix Rabin

Félix Rabin is currently appearing as special guest on the Wishbone Ash XLIX UK tour.

The French 23 year old singer-songwriter and guitarist was inspired by musicians like Jimi Hendrix, Stevie Ray Vaughan and Pink Floyd…..his style embodies these influences and blends contemporary Rock in many of its guises, with inventive riffs and moody melodies. Loving music as long as he can recall, the desire to play came suddenly and when Félix picked up his first guitar at 15…this is where the story began

After touring around France, playing several times at the prestigious Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland where he was born and lived since childhood, Félix is now ready to take his music and open doors in new territories and fortunately, one of these is the UK!

In 2016 he penned a few songs for promotional purposes and after a few months on the road, it soon became clear that people liked what they saw and wanted to hear more, so Félix released a selection of his songs on CD. Félix is planning to release his debut album in 2019.

Listen to Hey Joe below!

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We caught up with Félix earlier this month as he talked about the tour with Wishbone Ash and more!

How pumped are you to be touring with Wishbone Ash?

I am really looking forward to hitting the road with Wishbone Ash, it’s going to be a real pleasure to play across the UK with this legendary band. I can’t wait to live this adventure!

Are you good friends?

Me and my band have been playing together now for almost two years and get along really well. During this time, we have built up a amazing friendship and have a very solid music connection. It will be incredible to share the experience of touring with Wishbone Ash with them!

What venue are you most looking forward to playing?

Lots of venues look incredible, and in some very nice cities: London, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Southampton and so on… But if I need to choose one, I must say the Haymarket in Basingstoke looks gorgeous!

Can you tell us anything about your upcoming debut album you are planning?

All I can say so far is that it should be recorded in March 2019 and released, if all goes well, in the second semester of the same year (probably around September/October). As we still have details to sort out, I can’t announce a precise release date yet. But all the songs are ready!

If you could work with any band on a new song, who would it be and why?

Ha Ha a great question. All I would say is that if I had the power, I’d bring Pink Floyd back from the dead. Joking apart though, I’m a big fan of Gary Clark Jr. and Lenny Kravitz, working with them would be a dream. I love their way of song writing, and especially the way they present themselves on stage. I have seen them both live and they were among the greatest shows I’ve ever seen….amazing energy and a great mix of rock, blues, soul… That’s the kind of cocktail I like.

What was the first gig you ever been to?

Henri Dès, a Swiss singer-songwriter for kids, when I was 3 or 4, he is very famous in France! First love in music I guess, I’ve been listening to his music for years as a kid.

Will you be touring at all soon?

Yeah !!! After this tour with Wishbone Ash this October and November, we will be coming back next year for more gigs in the UK, but we will also be heading to Germany, Netherlands, Belgium and so on… Got to get my name out there as well ! Looking forward to 2019 already !

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