Interview: Wave Break talk latest EP

Wave Break, a metaphorical term meaning to overcome adversity, is an apt name for the newly-formed Boston-based band. Founded in April 2017 by lead singer/rhythm guitarist Kelly Barber, their lyrics centralize on the theme of standing up to societal or social barriers. The band blends elements of post-hardcore, pop punk and emo rock for a sound that’s all their own.

Since their inception, the band has opened for artists such as Oh, Weatherly (Hopeless Records) and Centerfolds (CI Records), been featured on the Undiscovered Sound, and featured in many press articles and Spotify playlists. Their second single “Plaster City,” an anthem about standing up for yourself against those who try to tear you down, released on February 16th and was immediately added to regular rotation on idobi Radio. The music video for the song premiered on New Noise Magazine and quickly garnered over 2K views.

The band will released their debut 6-song EP ‘Armory’ earlier this month (August 17th) and you can check it out below!

We caught up with the band as they talked about their latest EP and more!

How has the initial response been form Armory?

So far it’s been even better than we expected! We’ve had nothing but great feedback, and everyone seems to have a different favorite off the album, which tells us there’s something for everyone on it.

What’s your favourite single from the release?

For us, it has pretty much unanimously been Plaster City. That’s the reason that’s the one we did the music video for!

Can you tell us something about the EP no one else knows?

We actually had started recording Plaster City and Deadlock before we even had the full lineup, and then went back and re-recorded some parts once we did. It came out even better once we did that.

If you could work with any band on a new song, who would it be and why?

Probably Tonight Alive. We love them and think their sound would mesh well with ours. It’d be a dream to write something with them or have Jenna’s vocals featured on one of our songs.

What tour date are you looking forward to playing most?

We’re looking forward to all of them! But Kelly is from NJ, so finally getting to play there is going to be nuts. Brooklyn is going to be incredible too.

What was the first ever gig you went to?

For all of us, it’s been Green Day, Warped Tour, and Taylor Swift…. haha.

What’s the music scene like in Boston at the moment?

It’s really unique since there’s a mix of all different genres here. For a lot of cities, you might think of a single genre or type of music that’s really prevalent there, but Boston isn’t like that. There’s tons of singer-songwriter, rock, punk, emo, folk and other types of music here all at once. It’s a great city for musical diversity. Everyone here is super supportive of the scene too – we’ve loved being here.

What do you get up to in your spare time when not working on music?

If we’re being honest, most of the time when we’re not working on music we’re either working at our day jobs, sleeping, or going to other shows. Haha. But we also like hanging out at open mics, bars, and watching Netflix.