The classic Rock n Roll sound of the 70’s is back! Music that’s very British, very 70’s a nod back to the good old days when rock and roll mattered ! Very vintage, good fun, cool, a melodic time machine to the fun and glamour of 70’s Rock! Freeman is leading the way in the 70’s inspired revival ,echoing inspirations from Neil Young, Bob Dylan, America and Fleetwood Mac amongst the other greats of the decade .
His latest album is due out in the Spring stay tuned for details…
Along with leading the way in the NEO classic 70s rock vibe…Freeman’s talents expand into the ARTS world…He began his love of abstract painting at school. After gathering a large following on Instagram, he recently held his first exhibition at the Palm Tree gallery, becoming ‘the highest selling artist on Portobello for 20 years. He is currently in talks with top Mayfair gallery Maddox and Delahunty Fine. His two passions, the music and the artworks go hand in hand, one of the first paintings Freeman sold is also the front cover of his album Truth. Check out Rolling Stone!
So how has the release of Rolling Stone gone down with fans so far?
Hello ! Rolling Stone officially comes out in June but I have been putting clips of the video on Instagram and the full vid is avail on youtube (FREEMAN – Rolling Stone) and very happy to report that people are vibing on it! Its a good old fashioned retro rocker with lots of sing along la la la’s and a general good times vibe. Shooting the video was about as much fun as its legal to have so I hope that comes across !
Can you tell us something about the track no one else knows?
I have references dotted through the album to some of my biggest influences and heroes. ‘Watchtower’ is a reference to ‘All Along the Watchtower’,Jimi Hendrix’s version is my favourite ever tune, I sing about ‘the shadows will burn and loot’ tonight as a nod to Bob Marley and ‘Rolling Stone, whilst ostensibly about following’ your heart and freedom, is essentially just a big ‘ol tribute to my favourite band The Stones. The video is full of fun – vintage rolls royce, pretty girls and a riotous party…a nod to the good old days of 70’s rock n roll decadence and fun, which Im pretty sure the Stones enjoyed a little bit of , ya know, here and there
Can you tell us something about your upcoming album?
‘Truth’ was written from May – Dec 2016 and we recorded in Jan 2017 at a super cool vintage analogue studio in London called Eastcote (we finally finished it early this year) The band played all the tunes live and then we added overdubs. Its straight from the heart, dips between melancholy and out and out joyousness and is steeped in retro vibes. I always wanted to make a record that had the feel of some of my faves like Neil Young, Bill Withers, Fleetwood Mac, the Stones, Dylan etc. Its my debut solo album.
If you could work with any band or artist on a new song, who would it be and why?
We covered ‘Dua Lipa – Be The tOne’ recently and I’d dig a collab with her. She’s killing it at the mo and no surprises why – great pop tunes and a super cool vibe with excellent production. Anyone who’s writing killer tunes like her stuff would be such a pleasure to work with.. Re-spect.
Will you be touring or any festivals lined up in 2018?
We are in the closing stages of finalising a big tour of China in Sept/Oct and are in talks about coming to the US too. Plenty of gigs in the UK too though the main focus at the mo is the second album which we are currently working on in Wales. Even though debut ‘Truth’ isn’t out until May, we are getting the follow up In the can !
What do you get up to in your spare time when not working on music?
Art is another big passion of mine and I paint abstract works. Have had a few exhibitions and mostly I love the meditative aspect of painting and always paint to music. Other than that, I love film, culture, classic cars, travel….and generally having fun! Nothing beats a good night out with a fun crew
What inspired you to get into music in the first place?
When I was a young lad I found a book on the Stones on my parents book shelf. Their world (and then their music) fascinated me and I just had a big pull to the whole thing from an early age. I collected a tonne of records as a teenager but didn’t actually pick up a guitar until I was 21or so. I taught myself as well as I could and pretty quickly started to write songs, which is undoubtedly my biggest passion
What has been your favourite moment as a musician so far?
You know what….its right here right now. Im in Maltbarn studios in the middle of nowhere Wales, surrounded by great mates/band members for a whole month making a record that we are all super excited about. The vibe is great, the local pubs serve good beer and I’m happy as a sandboy! Cant wait for you to hear it.