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Interview: Just Like Fruit talk latest single

Brighton-based alternative rock ‘n’ roll band Just Like Fruit recently released their brand new music video, Mama
Said. Mama Said is an irresistible three minutes of feel-good, noisy guitar-pop, built around an infectious guitar refrain, a stomping disco beat and multi-layered harmonies. Directed and edited by Syn.C’s Sheridan Griffiths (Normanton Street, Roy Davis Jr), and shot on location at Deadwood studios in East Sussex, the stylish video takes inspiration from the Wild West classics of the sixties and the playful aesthetics of cult director Wes Anderson, telling the fast-paced tale of an outlaw on the run.

Paired with the song’s country-infused riffs, ragtime-inspired piano licks and driven lyrical narrative, Just Like Fruit’s latest release offers a high-energy take on the look and sound of classic Americana.

Since the release of their debut EP On the Door in December 2016 (QM Records), the band have thrown themselves into the live music scene, playing hundreds of gigs across the UK and Europe. Recent highlights include a sell-out show at Brighton Komedia alongside Tankus the Henge; opening for Normanton Street at l’Alimentation Générale, Paris; frequent live sessions with Sofar Sounds London, and a two-day residency at the Gallery of Modern Art, Glasgow. The band consist of rhythm guitarist Kieran Matthews, vocalist Dion Mason-Poole, bassist Ryan Melbourne-Hurley, drummer Erwin Lotasz and lead guitarist Taran Pring. Check out Mama Said below!

We managed to catch up with rhythm guitarist Kieran as he talked about the latest single and more!

So how has the initial response been for Mama Said?

We’ve only just released it but so far it’s been pretty sweet, people seem to enjoy seeing us in cowboy outfits.

Can you tell us something about the video no one else knows?

We paid our actors in whiskey. You could spot the difference in acting prowess as the days shooting progressed. We were filming in very cold conditions so everybody was begging for more and more, and that also seems to have had a side effect. On the plus side, we felt that a bit of whiskey inhabiting our Wild West added an element of realism

How has the release of On The Door been so far?

We’ve sold all our copies so not too shabby. The release night itself was a lot of fun, we had a graffiti artist, a fire spinner, a few great bands. And to top it off, we had a raffle haha!

What is your favourite track from the release?

Everyone in the band has their own personal favourite, but mine is probably the titular track On the Door, purely because of the fade out at the end. We try to replicate the record by attempting live fade outs at gigs, with various results.

What’s the alternative scene like in Brighton at the moment?

It’s very exciting because of the proximity of all these good bands all living in a little city making loadsa great music. It’s possible to walk around town and see a few great bands at different venues all in a night’s work.

If you could work with any band on a new song, who would it be and why?

The Ramones because, as well as them making some of my favourite music, I’d get to wear the little leather jacket.

What was the first gig you ever attended?

Erm, I think Jackson Brown at the Royal Albert Hall. It might’ve been a Dire Straits cover band in the Netherlands though.

Will you be touring at all in 2018 or any festivals lined up?

Yeah, we aim to be getting across the UK this summer, and parts of Europe too, so watch out for us! Might have one or two festivals lined up aswell …


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