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Interview: The Xcerts’ Murray Macleod talks upcoming album

Brighton, UK-based three piece The Xcerts recently revealed their brilliant, brand new single, and title track from forthcoming album, Hold on to your Heart which is released on 19th January 2018 via Raygun Records. Other single Feels Like Falling In Love was debuted on the BBC Radio 1 Rock Show as its ‘Rockest Record/track of the week’  and went onto go on the Kerrang!, Radio X and MTV Rocks playlists. It is also currently over 1.75 million streams on Spotify already.

The Xcerts are Murray Macleod (vocals / guitar), Jordan Smith (bass), and Tom Heron (drums).

Check out the title track of the album below!

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We managed to catch up with Murray as he talked about the upcoming release and more!

So how pumped are you for ‘Hold on to your Heart’?

I adore this record and i am so proud of what me and the boys have created. I’m incredibly excited to unleash it to the world, i hope people dig it as much as we do.

What is your favourite track from the release?

I truly love this thing as a whole but i am very fond of ‘Show Me Beautiful’. It’s very different to anything we’ve written before, we experimented with loops and samples for the first time which was really fun and the lyrical content means an awful lot to me.

Tell us something about the album nobody knows?

For a very long period of time i wanted to call the record ‘The Beautiful and The Terrifying’. I still love that title but in the end it didn’t sum up the record quite like ‘Hold On To Your Heart’. We may very well use ‘The Beautiful and The Terrifying’ for another release at some point down the line.

Would you consider this your best release to date?

100% yes, and all the sweat and tears that went into it agree.

What was your favourite moment when recording the album?

When our friend Will from Black Peaks laid down saxophone on a couple of tracks, i nearly lost my goddamn mind. I stood opposite him in the live room whilst he was recording, put on some headphone and genuinely went nuts. He had to stop a couple of time from laughing so hard but i just couldn’t contain my excitement and i had to do a tiny bit of conducting so he knew where he was in the song. It was a very cool experience.

If you could work with any band on a new song, who would it be and why?

Bon Iver for sure, just so we could record at their studio in Wisconsin and have Justin Vernon sprinkle some of that magic of his on our music.

So you performed at 2000 Trees this year among others, what festivals are you lined up for in 2018?

It’s a little early to say but you better believe we’ll be shredding through a lot of fields next summer.

How proud were you to have Feel Like Falling In Love supported by the likes of BBC Radio One?

Hugely proud! It’s always a trip to hear your jams played on the radio, especially when it’s a station as big as BBC Radio 1. We are incredibly thankful of any support that our band receives so it was incredibly cool.

What was the first gig you all attended as a kid?

The first gig i ever attended was Placebo at the Music Hall in Aberdeen. I remember being so in awe over everything! The venue itself, the band, sound, production, crowd reaction…It was a pretty special moment in all honesty. It’s a shame i will never experience a gig like that ever again, but at least i have the memory which is priceless.

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