Interview: Crejuvent

Crujuvent released his EP Time back in July. After having these kick-ass songs just sitting around, Freddy finally got round to start recording them. Then he didn’t know what to do with them for a while however he released Pretty Demos back in February 2015. Check out the title song of his latst EP below!

We managed to catch up with Crejuvent as he talked about his latest release and more!

So how has your latest album/EP gone so far with fans then?
It’s gone well! Most of the reviews have been positive, and the negative ones have been SUPER negative, which is great! I don’t really want to be right down the middle, you know? The best part about the release is that everyone has a different favourite song from it, which is a good sign, if everyone just liked a single song off the EP then that would have felt a bit shit.

Tell us something about the release no one knows?
I started sending out physical copies of the press pack to various places, and I staple a condom onto the packaging. Behind the stapled condom there is a picture of my butt. Fun fact, I had to get those printed on nice paper and in color at a place, but for some reason my usb stick wouldn’t work so I couldn’t do it myself. Which meant this little old lady had to help me print 20+ copies of my butt. I’m sure she’s seen much worse in her career/life, but that still wasn’t exactly a highlight moment.

If you could work with any band on a new song, who would it be and why?
GWAR. It just seems like that would be the most fun studio session ever!

How has your latest single been received?
The closest thing to a single would be the title track off the last EP, Time, since it’s the only track I made a lyric video for. I haven’t had a chance to see how people have reacted to it online, but I’ve had a few people come up to me after a few live shows saying that it’s their favourite.

Can you tell us about the meaning behind the track?
It’s about failed hopes and dreams and the fact that all of our problems are rooted in our perception of time. It’s all so absurd, like some borderline Albert Camus-ian doctrine, and the song encapsulates that duality between realising that nothing matters and the absurd position life places us in with respect to that realisation. Or maybe it’s about trying to pass a really hard shit that’s taking ages. I like to leave lyrical interpretation up to the listener.

What tours do you have coming up, and what can you tell us about them?
No tours as of yet, I’ve been mostly focusing on other projects for a while and thinking about my next release. I might have a few gigs lined up here or there, but nothing’s set in stone.

What venue are you most looking forward to playing the most, and why?
There honestly isn’t a specific venue that I can think of, especially for this kind of music. The crowd and the people engaging with the performance are what makes the show, not the venue. I’ve played on huge venues with no crowd engagement and I’ve played in people’s living rooms to a bunch of people that were loving the show, guess which I prefer?

What else can we expect from you as we head towards 2018?
I don’t know, I’ll be pretty busy with my other projects but I’d like to get some sort of release ready for mid 2018 at the latest. Follow the project on Facebook and Bandcamp to keep up with all the Crejuvent shenanigans!