Interview: Sarah Rogo talks upcoming album

Sarah Rogo is a 25-year-old blonde haired and blue-eyed surfer who started playing guitar and writing songs at 13 years old. Unlike most teenage girls she spent hours listening to music in the local public library, where she discovered a live album recorded by Buddy Guy and Junior Wells, Alone and Acoustic, which she says changed her life. That’s when she first started singing the blues.

She was raised in New England but Sarah moved to the beach town of Encinitas, CA, less than two years ago and quickly became a staple in the local music scene earning her a nomination for Best Singer-Songwriter at the 2017 San Diego Music Awards.

Earlier this year veteran artist manager and label owner Michael Lembo of Mike’s Management and Funzalo Records met Sarah at a local songwriter expo and the two clicked. Lembo signed Sara to his label and she is currently honing her craft and writing songs for what will be a proper debut album due out in 2018. Until then Sarah Rogo Live at Lestat’s West is out today on Funzalo Records. Check out a track from the Live album below!

We managed to catch up with Sarah as she talks her Live album, upcoming studio album and more!

So much has happened for you in the last few months. How excited are you about your recent signing with Funzalo Records, the release of your live album “Live at Lestat’s West” and getting ready to start work on your debut studio album?

I am so excited to be opening a new door in my life. Signing with Funzalo and my manager has given me opportunities to meet and play with some of the best people in the business. I love being in this business because it constantly forces me to reevaluate my sound and goals. I’m stoked on releasing my first live album. Ever since I began digging into music I have always naturally preferred the live cuts!

At what age did you decide music was what you wanted to do with your life?

I have always written songs and played music. Because it felt so natural, I didn’t even realize it was something I could do with my life. In highschool I started to take my saxophone playing really seriously and I decided I wanted to be a professional musician.

How many instruments do you play and which?

I play guitar and saxophone! I specialize in Resonator guitars. I play fingerstyle and slide with different open tunings. It’s almost as if the open tuning slide guitar is a whole different animal than the standard guitar.

Can you tell us something about your songwriting process and if you will be working with any other writers or artists on your debut album?

I’m currently writing for my new album. I love writing on my own but also collaborating with others! I love the new endeavor of working with other professionals because you not only learn new things but you pull things out of your mind you never thought were there. Every co-writer has a different dance.

Will you be releasing on CD, vinyl, etc? What is that your personal format of choice?

I’m sure it will be released in CD, digital, and vinyl. For my own preference I prefer CD but that’s only because that’s all that works in my car!

Can you tell us about the journey that brought you here and the evolution of your music?How did you end up signing with Funzalo Records?

I met my manager Mike Lembo at Durango Songwriters Expo in LA area. We met because we were both sitting alone and he made some joke that made me laugh. We ended up chatting and sharing music after that.

What was the first gig you ever attended?

I remember going to an Eagles concert but I was so young I fell asleep! My first concert on my own was Bob Dylan in Woodstock NY. After that I got interested in a bunch of folk festivals in the north east.

What was the first album you ever purchased?

Embarrassingly enough it was Britney Spears because I thought it would go over better at school but I soon realized just because we were both blond didn’t mean we had the same style! After that I ended up getting stacks of CDs at the library which really shaped my music listening.

If you could work with any artist or band on a new song, who would it be and why?

Bonnie Raitt. Its obvious- she rocks face. She is queen of subtly and making that slide guitar shine. Her voice is effortless and moving.

What’s your dream tour line-up?

Bonnie Raitt, Dawes and Lake Street Dive would be my dream line-up. My dream is to tour in Europe and Asia! I also want to plan a tour that’s linked up with the good surf around the world!

Where can our readers find your music and please share all your social platforms too
@sarahrogomusic insta and twitter (I post alot on insta)