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Interview: Booze and Glory

2017 is going to be an eventful, albeit hectic year for BOOZE AND GLORY – By Guy Shankland. The band have just released their brand new and stonkingly good album CHAPTER IV. Plus they are set to tour the globe promoting said record from Vegas to Blackpool and back again. The word busy doesn’t come close to describing the bands next few months. ORIGINAL ROCK caught up with original members Liam and Mark for a quick chat on all thing Booze And Glory 2017.
Original Rock. Chapter IV sounds like a very reflective album, did the band draw from their own experiences while writing the album?
Liam: Yes, absolutely. As a songwriter, I have always written about my own experiences and it seems that many people can relate what I write to their own lives.
Mark: While we were writing the album, we went through some pretty life changing events, which were naturally reflected in the songs, meaning that they perhaps have a bit more of a personal nature. As we have grown older, our music has also matured with us. Over the last few years we’ve all learned a lot and started to understand things we’d never really considered too much before- just read the lyrics and they’ll give you a pretty good idea of where we’re coming from.
OR. There are many different musical genres beating within Chapter IV, which bands influence you and why?
Mark: It’s easy to suss that we all listen to various different types of music. I can’t really recall anything other than Motown & Northern Soul being on my turntable for the last six months, but don’t worry, you’ll be pretty hard pressed to hear anything like us sounding like The Supremes on Chapter IV – not yet anyway! Chapter IV is once again full of melodies, harmonies & the usual sing-a-longs, but I’d say its a completely different sounding album to it’s predecessor, As ‘Bold As Brass’. We mixed our tried and true brand of street punk, with elements influenced by our extensive and varied musical tastes. From Irish Folk to American Rock N Roll, We’ve used a greater range of instruments than ever before, such as Mandolin, Accordion, Piano… and even a string section!
Liam: I play quite a wide range of instruments and during the writing process of Chapter IV, Mark finally convinced me to make better use of that and add these things to the sound we have already established. The results of that can quite clearly be heard in the new album and it most definitely reflects the musical influences which have shaped the way I write.
OR. The band are set for a busy 2017, which Gigs/Festivals are you particularly looking forward to?
Mark: We’re set to play more than a hundred shows this year, so this will be our busiest year to date. We’re doing 5 weeks in Europe, followed by 4 weeks in the US on the West Coast. We then return to Europe to do some great festivals, then we’re off back to the US to tour the East Coast. We have a week in Japan and that’s something we’re really looking forward to, as we love nothing more than playing new places that we’ve never been to before. As for festivals, we will be playing at Hellfest in France (And it’s a big one!), Punk Rock Bowling in Las Vegas, and one of our favourites – we will once again be at Rebellion in Blackpool.
Liam: Of course, we can’t neglect to mention our UK shows this year. It’s always great to come back to play at home. If the last London gig at The Underworld is anything to go by, The 100 Club show is going to be a bit of a mental one. We’re doing more UK shows this year than ever before & we can’t wait!
OR. The Street Punk scene is going through a renaissance period at the moment and is possibly more popular than its ever been, why in your opinion does it continue to flourish?
Liam: Punk Music Has always thrived during times of political unrest and I feel that Street Punk is an honest and direct way of people fighting back in their own way and having their voices heard. There are so many great Street Punk bands around at the moment because it’s not only necessary but vital.
Mark: There are so many bands we’ve played with who hold a similar stance and put out the same sort of message. We’ve made so many good friends and we’re proud to be a part of this all happening.
OR. Rebellion 2016 saw Cocksparrer, The Rejects along with The Old Firm Casuals headline the sold out Saturday night and not one scrap of trouble to boot. The Punks, Rude Boys, Skinheads and Rockers all seem to have united under the Rebellion banner. How culturally important do you think the Festival is?
Mark: As for trouble related to any differences of tastes or opinions…. “Fight the real enemy” as said by Micky Fitz(RIP). In my eyes, people finally started to understand this. Rebellion Festival is an event that unites different personalities, generations and subcultures and that’s why it is one of the best festivals that anyone involved with ‘Punk Rock’ can have a great excuse to visit the UK. Oh, & the other is the weather!
Liam: I’ve been going to Rebellion for over a decade. I’ve seen so many bands there that I may not have had the chance to see anywhere else. Back then, I never thought I’d get the chance to be gracing those same stages. It’s always a brilliant weekend and the line-ups just keep getting better and more diverse every year.
OR. The political right wing rise in some countries has dragged up some unhealthy images of Skinheads in Eastern Europe, (much the same with football hooliganism ) they seem to visually celebrate a past that most of would like to forget, let alone associate with. Do the band get any unwanted attention/supporters when playing abroad? And if so how do you deal with it?
Liam: Politics seem to be moving in an increasingly worrying direction at the moment. It seems to lend credibility to divisive and sometimes violent attitudes. But No, we’ve never really had to deal with that sort of unwelcome attention. We’ve made it clear from the start where we stand. Any sort of discrimination or those sort of attitudes are not something we ever have, or ever will tolerate at our shows.
OR. What does the next twelve months have in store for Booze And Glory?
Mark: It’s all about touring now. We’ve got a pretty hectic schedule ahead of us, so the next 12 months will be spent on the road -doing what we enjoy doing most, seeing new places and meeting new people. The only thing we’re going to miss is sleep!!
Chapter IV is out now via Burning Heart Records.
For Tour dates and band Info head to
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