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Interview: This Party talk new EP

Brighton based boys, This Party formed after a chance encounter at a Smiths tribute gig and now together create guitar fuelled indie-pop on their own independent label,Moscow Let’s Go.

Consisting of Hal Cleverdon on guitar, Marcus Gilham on bass, Tom Hodgson on drums and Matt MacNeill on vocals, This Party have now released their new single Lover. This lead track will get you singing along to the catchy chorus and in the mood for summer!

Their latest singles grabbed the attention of Steve Lamacq on BBC 6 Music and BBC Introducing and Money was championed online including an exclusive premiere with Gigslutz. Check out the title song of the EP below!

We managed to catch up with the band as they talked about the EP and more!

So how has the release of Lover gone down so far?

Lover is getting a great reaction so far. It’s getting sung back at us at live shows which is usually a good sign. The full EP will be released on 15th May and we can’t wait for everybody to hear it in its entirety.
So this is the title track off your upcoming EP, can you tell us anything about this release?
Produced by Margo Broom, it is our first EP to be released. It was originally just meant to be a single as a follow up to our last single ‘Money’ but the studio sessions were really productive and so we expanded it to 4 tracks.

What is your favourite track from the EP?
I think it differs for each of us. Each of the songs has a different subject so I guess it’s depending on whatever mood we’re in. Friendship, bereavement, shyness and prescription meds are all themes present on the record.

You will be releasing this at Brighton’s Prince Albert on Tuesday, how pumped are you for this?
Very. We love playing across the UK but it felt right to launch the record in our hometown at one of the most famous local venues around. The atmosphere will be amazing and we can’t wait.

What’s the rock scene like in Brighton?
Great but competitive. There are a lot of bands here and the standard is generally pretty decent so you have to be willing to give a lot more in order to stand out.

What is it like being support by the likes of BBC Introducing and 6 Music?
We’re all regular listeners of both BBC Introducing and 6 Music so there’s a special feeling when you hear your own music being played in them. So far the BBC have given us amazing support and its so great to have them involved.

If you could work with any band on a new song, who would it be and why?
Probably, and I’m just talking for myself here, Stevie Wonder. The man is a legend and his voice is still incredible. I reckon you could walk into the studio with him and the songs would just write themselves.

What was your funniest moment when recording the EP?
Putting enough auto-tune on all four tracks to make them sound like a T-Pain record, then sending them to our bassist and enthusiastically pretending they’re the final cut – just to see his reaction.

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