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Interview: Blind Revision


Blind Recision

Female fronted rock band Blind Revision recently announced the release of their brand new 5 track EP, Of White And Grey. The title refers to the white and grey matter of the human brain. The EP will take the listener on a dark journey through the depths of the human mind. The EP will be available worldwide on May 14.

As a concept EP, the musical project centers on one main narrator, referred to as the subject. In each song, the subject faces an internal ‘demon.’ The demons include feeling sensitivity, anxiety, addiction, the demon of love, and the fear of death. Staying with the psychological theme, each song also represents a different lobe of the brain, with the track names corresponding to each lobe. Overall, the EP seeks to describe the feelings of these ‘demons’ that many people face in their daily lives.

Instrumentally, Of White And Grey blends melodic soft vocals with progressive rock riffs and metal breakdowns. Listeners will enjoy catchy hard rock choruses and intricate guitar shredding during the verses.

In addition, the Rhode Island based band will be embarking on an east coast tour of the U.S. starting May 17. Find out when you can see them in your area:

Check out Tough Love from the band’s previous release below!

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We caught up with the band as they talked about the upcoming release and more!

So how pumped are you for Of White and Grey?

Jen: Hella pumped!

Jamie: It’ll be a welcome change to play new material for our live sets. Also, stoked.

Jake: I’m pretty pumped. This is the first release the band has put out since I’ve joined, and it feels great to be a part of it. Playing the music live is going to be an exceptionally fun challenge and a joy of motion.

Phil: I’m extremely excited for this release. We have been working on these songs for a while now, and it will be fun to be able to play a set that is predominantly a collaboration between the current lineup. It was a lot of fun making it happen, and I can’t wait to play the new material at shows.

Can you tell us a bit about this release?

Jen: “Of White And Grey” is a psychological concept EP with each song representing a different lobe of the brain. It was really fun to write, and it was challenging to make connections in the lyrics to psychological or biological concepts. The title “Of White And Grey” refers to the white and grey matter in the brain.

Kirk: Writing this EP really helped me improve my songwriting skills, so I’m very happy about that. There’s a lot of metal and progressive rock  influences in the music.

Jamie: Conceptually, it deals with a singular person’s struggles with inner demons. Musically, in my opinion, the songs are stronger, introduce some really challenging parts, but also back off in certain aspects to allow the listener to appreciate and become infatuated with what is happening. It’s a sound evolution in a way for us for the better, I feel.

Phil: “Of White and Grey” is set to release on May 14th. This is the first release by the current lineup in the band, and it will be a five track EP.

Jake: It’s a concept EP that deals with a person’s battle against their inner demons, with each song corresponding to a lobe of the brain. There’s also a lot of catchy choruses and shreddy riffs.

What is your favourite track from this?

Jen: That’s hard to say, but I think Parietal: Pressure is my favorite right now. It features a lot of piano and it starts off slow, then ends with a bang.

Kirk: Parietal: Pressure is my baby.

Jamie: Mercenary makes me smile every time I play it, but I can’t stop thinking about how insane the mix came out for Covenant.

Phil: Pressure was my favorite song until I heard the final mixing of Covenant. It came to life when I was able to sit back and hear everything we had going on in the song.

Jake: I’d have to say Covenant is my favorite to listen to and Seeker is my favorite to play.

If you could work with any band on a new song, who would it be and why?

Jen: If Blind Revision could collaborate with Coheed and Cambria, that would be sick. It will probably never happen, but a few of us have been heavily influenced by them and their songwriting style. I have a lot of respect for their music.

Kirk: The Morgana Phase! They are a band from Rhode Island, and they are super talented.

Jamie: Coheed and Cambria is probably our biggest influence and would work the best for us songwriting-wise.

Phil: As cliché as it is, I want to keep writing music with Blind Revision. We all have different taste in music, but common enough to bring our favorite parts of everything together. If I’m picking another band, however, I’d love to see what could happen being left in a room with the members of Trivium. I’ve grown up listening to them, and every album has a different sound.

Jake: I think it would be fun to collaborate with Weird Al on a goofy metal pastiche.

How pumped are you for the tour in May?

Jamie: I’m extremely excited to check something off my bucket list and to finally figure out if this kind of lifestyle is something that I really wish to pursue for my future (currently the “dream”).

Phil: So pumped that I almost skipped the gym today! (but not really)

Jake: I’m more pumped than a bike tire at the Tour de France.

What were your first gigs that you ever attended?

Jen: I saw Kelly Clarkson live when I was twelve years old, so that was my first concert. I was obsessed with her album Breakaway at the time.

Kirk: The first concert I attended was Simple Plan and Good Charlotte in seventh grade.

Jamie: My first show was back in the early 2000s and I saw Santana with Los Lonely Boys.  Santana’s Smooth was the first song I had heard at that time that really captured my attention musically.

Phil: The first show I ever attended was Ozzfest, 2006. I saw a lot of bands I was really into at the time, and I will never forget seeing System of a Down play live.

Jake: My first concert was Trans Siberian Orchestra in 2009. I loved both the theatrics and the shred, and still see them as a benchmark to aspire to, performance-wise.

What has been your funniest moment while recording the EP?

Jen: Sharing memes in the studio while other people try to get work done.

Kirk: Literally every moment of the entire process was funny.

Jamie: No one moment stands out in particular, but when the five of us get into a room I’ll end up saying something REAL dumb and then everyone will either grab their sides from laughter and/or shake their head.

Phil: We don’t take much seriously, and we were making joke after joke the entire time. We are all super comfortable with each other so we aren’t afraid to get weird and laugh about it later.

Jake: I’m not really sure. Pretty much every time the five of us are in a room, there’s at least one moment that gives everyone a good, long belly laugh whether it’s from an actual joke or just one of us saying a word in a dumb way.

What’s the music scene like in Rhode Island?

Jamie: Diverse to an extent – my experience growing up has been a lot of coffee house hardcore bands and an excess of Pop-Punk bands. I wanted to create something that branched away from that.

Jake: There are a lot of deathcore bands and pop punk, which makes it a challenge to find bands that sound like us. That being said, the scene is very active; there are a lot of venues hosting quality shows and festivals year-round.

What do you get up to in your spare time?

Jen: I love horror and sci-fi movies, so I’m always watching stuff like that. I used to be really into comic books too, so I watch a lot of superhero movies.

Kirk: I like to get haircuts.

Jamie: I don’t have much in the way of spare time anymore, but I try to allocate at least an hour 3 – 5 days a week to go to the gym since I’ve been really enjoying working out.  Even a week or two at the gym benefits me when we have a live show because I find that I have way more endurance.

Phil: When I’m not with the band or working, I enjoy working out, and learning new ways to train. It’s a good feeling being able to know what your body is capable of.

Jake: When I’m not at work, I usually just jam in my room or try to learn new music. When I need a break from music, I love watching anime because I’m a big nerd.

How much does it mean to you when fans listen to your music?

Jen: If no one wanted to listen, musicians wouldn’t be able to do what they do! So of course it means the world to us. It always makes me really happy if we are at a new venue or city, and someone who found us online decided to come to our show. That’s an awesome feeling.

Jamie: There are millions of bands out there and there’s some very special people who spend their money and time supporting us. The feeling is gratifying beyond words.

Phil: The fact that anyone listens to the music we write and enjoys it is one of the best feelings. We write the music we want to hear, and knowing other people want to hear it makes me want to write more.

Jake: It still blows my mind anytime someone mentions listening to our music in their car or at the gym. It’s surreal and I couldn’t be more grateful for our awesome fans.

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