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Interview: AMÉRE talk new single


Ambient rock quartet AMÉRE released their debut music video for single Young Love last week after the single premiered on BBC Radio Wales on Adam Walton’s BBC Introducing show. The single has also been championed by Charlie Ashcroft of Amazing Radio and BT TV. For fans of Citizen and La Dispute, Young Love combines dissonant grooves and emotionally driven vocals to produce sweet yet mellow verses with ambient undertones and one hell of a powerful chorus.

Check out Young Love below!

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We managed to catch up with the band as they talked about the new single, fans and more!¬

How has the release of ‘Young Love’ gone?

It’s gone a lot better than we could have ever imagined! In our previous projects we were used to just getting a couple of likes on facebook, a few “well dones” from our friends and that’s it! But to have airplay on large radio stations and having it on countless online magazines is far beyond all of our expectations. The feedback we’ve received has been immense as well.

What inspired you to write this song?

The inspiration for the song came when our vocalist was thinking back on some of his past flames. He decided that they ended badly enough to write a song about them.  

Tell us a little bit about the song?

Well the song is fundamentally about the heavy sense of guilt you feel when ending a relationship with someone who you don’t really love anymore. The fact our feelings are, generally, a bit more capricious when we’re younger means that this is all too common in our teen years, as our vocalist can attest to.

Is there plans for a EP/Album soon?

No plans for an EP until sometime next year. We are, however, planning on releasing a string of singles in the not too distant future. So keep an eye out for them!

What’s it like listening to yourselves on the radio?

It’s crazy! it’s the first time any of us have experienced having something we’ve written on any mainstream platform, and to have the presenters say such good things about the single blew all of our minds. We all messaged each other straight after pretty much every play like “Holy S***, this is incredible”

How much does your fans mean to you guys?

I know it’s cliché but we love literally anyone who likes our music. It’s crazy to think that some people may actively listen and enjoy something that we wrote, it’s just the most fulfilling feeling!  

Will there be a tour soon?

There’s nothing planned, but we do have a show in Workington on the 11th November that we’re thinking about turning into a weekender. Our immediate priority is to get some local shows under our belts though, just to establish ourselves.

If you could work alongside any band, who would it be and why?

That’s a tough one. I think it would probably be Citizen. They’re just the band that we compare all of our songs to, they have such a raw and unique sound! Like, our guitarist will come up with a riff and someone will usually say “That’s banging, it sounds like citizen” Which of course is probably just wishful thinking.

Live dates:

27th – The Duke, Neath
28th – Celtic Mosh, Merthyr Tydfill

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