Interview: Cadillac Assembly Line talk debut album


Cadillac Assembly Line are about to explode onto the scene with debut album Thrive And Survive in October. The quarter consists of Ben Hopkinson, Ben Silvester, Nathan Ford, Josh Gilroy who all help to produce a fierce hard rock authentic sound that this truly a feast for your ears. The Merseyside guys recently announced that they will be releasing their debut album after four years of writing and will be finally released on 16th October. You can checkout the single Caffeine & Codeine from the album below.

We managed to catch up with the lads about the album, fans, a potential tour and more!

Are you looking forward to the release of Thrive and Survive?
Yes, absolutely! We’ve been waiting a long time to get the record out there and it feels great that it’s happening so soon!

How long did this take to make?

We began writing in 2012 on the back of touring a release under our old name (The Blackhand) and started recording in January 2015! So it’s been a long time in the making! We recorded it in our own studio too, which is tiny and very warm so as you can imagine there were a lot of long, sweaty days and so many energy drinks!

Is it any different any of your other music?

This record is very different to what we used to write when we first started out. We used to be a much heavier band but over the years we’ve grown musically and emotionally into much more varied song writers and we feel comfortable trying out every angle of our genre as we can! We do still go back to our roots on a few tracks on ‘Thrive And Survive’ though that are perfect for the pit!

How much does the fans mean to you guys?

Our fans mean everything to us as they are the ones who we do this for. There’s no better feeling than somebody coming up to you after a show and telling you how much they loved it! We’ve played countless shows to our friends and family and toured tiny venues with crowds of 20 people but we’d rather those 20 people go home happy having enjoyed our show and shared a beer with us! This is the first thing we’re releasing under this name so we’re still trying to build a fanbase, but rest assured we’re really fun guys to know and we love going the extra mile for our fans!

Will you be releasing any singles from the album soon?

Yes, we released the first single, ‘Caffeine & Codeine’ on 26th August with a lyric video! You can watch that on YouTube, stream the single on Spotify and download it for free off our website!

If you could work with any artist, who would it be?

Any artist? We’ve been lucky enough under our old name to play shows with bands like Arcane Roots and 22 but it would be a dream come true to work with Black Stone Cherry, who we’re all big fans of! It would be hard to narrow this down actually as we’re all into such different artists, which is something that we try and use when we’re writing!

Where would you like to see yourselves in five years time?

In five years time we’d be happy to just still be making music together! That sounds cheesy, but it’s true! We took a break when we changed the name in 2013 and the day we all got back in the practice room together it was like we’d never been apart! We’re a relatively unknown band at the moment so it would be nice to have a following and still be able to play shows comfortably! Our drummer Josh has always said that he’d like us to get that big that Taylor Swift writes her next break up song about him though!

Is there any plans for a tour?

Touring wise we’re looking at taking the album out on the road in early 2017 on a series of weekenders but currently there’s nothing set in stone! We’re currently self managed and all work full time jobs so it can be very difficult to book a run of shows but we are hugely excited to start playing again!