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Interview: Nish Goyal talks upcoming album

Nish Goyal

Punk/Folk singer songwriter Nish Goyal has been busy recording a new album this summer as well as touring and performing at some epic festivals. It was just last weekend where Nish performed at 2000 Trees Festival that attracted thousands of people throughout the three days. Nish released the single In Our Parents Eyes in March which is the first release from his upcoming label backed album Under A Tree. You can check out that single now via his website.

I managed to catch up with Nish shortly after his performance at 2000 Trees as talks about his latest release, upcoming album, fans and more!

How has the release of In Our Parent’s eyes been?
Out Parents’s Eyes has been an amazing success so far. I managed to work with the amazing Blue Soap PR and it got played around the world from the use to South Africa and Eastern Europe. Even now its play listed! Also its a song that people seem to be able to really relate to as they tell me at gigs. so far so good!

Was ‘The Rage’ EP a success?
In its own way yes. I was still learning a huge deal about the industry and how everything works (still am mind, and hopefully always will be!), so it was an awesome project in that respect. Also, its the record that started getting me airplay and ultimately got me signed my the label I’m with now so i would say it’s a success!

You are due to release an album via Coffee Jingle Records, will this be any different to your other stuff?
Definitely. For the first time I’ve written about relationships.. this entire album is about relationships from parents to friends, one night stands, long term lovers. As a result for the first time I’ve written songs that are definitely romantic, even if in my slightly cheeky way as you’ll see when the album is out! There are definitely songs that are my usual style but there are also slower more melodic tracks.

Have you got any news on the tour?
So the tour we did as a band for the release for ‘In Our Parent’s Eyes’ was awesome. Played some amazing venues like the Nambucca and had some amazing feedback. We also managed to open for some awesome artists too and have hit some really cool festivals including 2000 trees. We will be touring again when the album comes out and this time will hit Europe and North East US as well. In the meanwhile we will be hitting random sporadic gigs around the country but Chester\ Liverpool.

What does it mean to you to see your fans watch you and buy your music?
Its definitely amazing when fans buy music but even more so is when you gig and can see them really getting into it. That’s really really heartwarming. Another one is when they talk about how a song relates to them…you just feel so in awe that something you wrote has done that for someone else!

How did you find 2000 Trees?
2000 trees was AMAZING. managed to see Ash from side stage which was brilliant plus the artists this year were just sublime! happily all my busking stage sets went really well (I reckon!) and people seemed happy with the songs!!

Where will you see yourself in five years time?
Wow! Ok, 5 years? hopefully signed to a large independent label such as Xtra Mile! I always say Frank Turner is kind of my model for my career and that still holds true. I’d like to still be engaged with fans in the way he is!