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Interview: Courtesy Tier talk upcoming EP

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Courtesy Tier (from left to right) Omer Leibovitz, Layton Weederman, Alex Picca (photo from their official Facebook page)

Brooklyn trio Courtesy are are set to release their brand new full length album titled Everyone’s OK on 12th August via Beverly Martel. The band has been perfecting their sound over the past few releases working under some renowned producers – Chris ‘Frenchie’ Smith (The Front Bottoms, …And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead, Purple), Peter Katis (Interpol, The National) and Joe Hardy (ZZ Top). For this record as well they sought out the help from this dream team of producers to create a strong debut full length album.You can listen to Cold from the upcoming album below.

I managed to get a quick interview with Courtesy Tier about the upcoming release, tour, inspirations and more!

How different would this be your previous releases?
On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the most different) this would be a 4)
This release isn’t necessarily very different for us musically. The few things that were different though was our approach to focusing on making an album that has us all singing harmony more.

Is there any plans for a tour this year?

We will be touring on the album starting at the end of July. We are going to be playing an album release show in Brooklyn July 31st at a great venue called Trans Pecos. We made show to curate the night with bands that we also love from the area.

What would you say to your fans that go to gigs and listen your music?

I’d say thank you for the support.

What music inspires you guys?

All different kinds of music and lots of good books. We all listen to very different music. For example our drummer Layton is very passionate about hip hop, and is an avid collector of the genre. Also we are all great fans of old country music and Jazz. I think for a band of our style these influences add an element, especially live that is very fun. Because of our love for improvisation the live shows tend to be different every time, and that’s exciting for our listeners who get to know the album versions of our songs which are more concise.

Where would you like to see yourselves in 5 years time?

Continuing to do what we are doing now. Playing music together. In this future I do hope to see us also having some more time to spend on the records we make. At this point of our career records have to happen pretty fast. It will be nice to have the luxury of spending 6 months on an album.