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Reign On Me

Toranaga UK

‘Roar of the greasepaint, smell of the crowd’

When I were a tiddler, I came across the name Acid Reign in my old Kerrang and Metal Hammer magazines. I used to see interviews with Thrash/ Death metal bands from back in the day, and I would skip over them because I was scared. Now that I am much, much older, and still scared of them, I put on my big girl pants and went to see them.
Also, that night, I had important business to attend to, I would meet my brother from another mother, Mike Todd, bassist for Toranaga UK, but it was through Scarred By Truth that we first got chatting. We share metal genes, and it was out of the ashes of lockdown we emerged, ready to try again at a scene that had become an Ouroboros.

‘No way out, no release, face the sword of Damocles’
The fists in the air manoeuvre is a propellant, it empowers and drives the songs forward, Toranaga UK have the songs to match that passion and aggression. Listen intently to tales of an ‘Execution’ and devour the ‘Food From The Gods’, for they are yours tonight.

Fellow Toranagan, Anita Shockley had this to say,

‘I knew you were good, but not that good’

The compliments were flying thick and fast tonight as we all rallied around the bands and their desire to give us a show to remember.
We entered the ‘Madhouse’ disturbed yet unperturbed, a gloriously unkempt and rowdy cover, okay I’m biased. Seeing my brother onstage, I was proud, his efforts to bring a show to us here in Birmingham did not go unnoticed. The same goes for Phil, who promotes these events, it was a night of ‘righteous retribution’. It was great to see Mark implanted back in his rightful position, after his recent hospital stay. We had a quick catch up and swapped medical notes after the set. I would have loved to have seen this line up on a bigger stage, again this isn’t a criticism, just an observation. However, the show still abided the classic track ‘Impact Is Imminent’ as we charged headlong into a bruising and blackened pit, bedecked in Santa hats to ring in the festive season. As I was shoved out of the mosh, a kindly fan grabbed hold of me, otherwise I would have landed rear end first into the concrete floor. Ouch!

Acid Reign
Finally, we got to see the monsters of the UK Thrash scene, Acid Reign, and it was time for the historic moment. It would be the last time to see this line up as drummer Marc would be leaving the band. Singer, Howard used the opportunity to remind us, ‘this would be the last time Marc performs this song’ to add humour to the proceedings. The set was a throwback to the last thirty years, songs written a generation ago still have meaning and value today. That is a legacy to be proud of, this night the loyal following showed the band that through it all, they could rely on their unwavering support. It’s a reaction that I’m sure every artist dreams of but only the chosen few are afforded.
We were treated to songs from ‘The Age Of Entitlement’ and it was also the 35th anniversary of ‘The Fear’ showing us the dedication and diligence behind the scenes. A wickedly wild version of ‘Hanging On The Telephone’ and I could feel my feet being lifted off the ground as I sat in the Toranaga merch booth. Being ‘Ripped Apart’ by ‘Motherly Love’ was the only way to finish as we all gathered our battered carcasses out of the room.

Being trounced out of the pit is a badge of honour, which is why it took me a few days to stabilise myself before writing this. The 14th of December will always be special for me, the night I thrashed like a girl.
This has been Azzy P, reporting for Original Rock from the far flung corners of the Acid Reign pit. Good night, home safe my friends.

Azra Pathan

Toranaga UK/ Acid Reign – The Rainbow, 14th December 2024

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