After a belter of an instore at HMV Vault recently, I was here tonight to witness a spectacle unlike any other. My friend Rick, who travelled from Dorset to Bristol to see the show and is a veteran on the Wagon trail had this to say.
‘I have followed the Wagons for several years and it is a pleasure to see them go from strength to strength. This new album has renewed their confidence, and they firmly remain a band of the people’.

This level of belief and trust in a band is precious; it is steeped in understanding and shared experiences and emotions. These words became a reality the instant that Baz and his crew jumped onto the stage. I could’ve cried, I felt so old, if only I had half as much of his energy. With high jinks (you’re an asshole, yes you) and high kicks a-plenty, I’m surprised he didn’t go arse over tit into the waiting crowd. Each song is a veritable sing-along, the type you hear in the biggest arenas in the world, and why they aren’t on the road to ‘Tokyo’ I will never know.
‘Don’t know who I gotta sleep with, what the fucking deal is’
I love this lyric, it perfectly sums up the state of the music industry, and all the dirty dealings that have been going on for a very long time. It’s a shame to be honest, to discover there is such a sinister side to the music we all love.
The proceedings were halted briefly to shine a light on the issue of suicide, the charity Andy’s Man Club have been invited along on this tour to offer information and support to the fans and help promote the good work that they do. The track ‘Night Skies’ depicts the drudgery and demoralising feel of everyday life, all the while wearing a fake smile and pretending that everything is ok, when you are literally dying inside.

The shenanigans continued with audience participation at its zenith, each of us enjoying this night to the fullest. The emotional charge sent shivers through our molten bodies, echoing and reverberating around the room, as we all fired out warning shots with ‘Fuck The Haters’ and immediately we were encouraged to ‘Please Stay Calm’ what a hurly burly for a Tuesday night!
They returned for an encore as Baz asks, ‘You still here?’ you’re damn straight we are young man! There was much more yet to give, but we finished the night with ‘House Of Noise’ anthemic and galvanic in its output, obliterating what was left of our collective psyche.
With a little snippet of ‘YMCA’ they leave the stage, and I’ll leave you with words from my friend Peter who saw the show in Southampton,
‘A blend of new and old, Baz and the guys delivered another out of this world performance, don’t know where he gets the energy from. Non Stop Rock!’
With that in mind, we all loaded up our wagons and headed off home, situated on the hill we’ve chosen to die on, all lovingly stationed underneath these glorious night skies.
Azra Pathan
Massive Wagons – O2 Institute, Birmingham, 26th November 2024