Black Water Fiend
So, we meet again my fiendish friends, on this freezing cold winter’s night we all huddled inside the back room – already sounding dodgy hahaha- to witness new music, the burgeoning grassroots scene that is constantly knocking at the doors of those who could make all their dreams come true, only to be turned away empty handed.
Our Coventry cousins, Black Water Fiend hot-footed it down the motorway to open the show tonight, after a speedy soundcheck they were ready to ‘Bring The Fire’ and stoke up our feelings of weariness, dread and drudgery to provide enlightening and entertaining tuneage. Their short but sweet set, a harbinger of greater things to come, evidence that the scene is flourishing, but it is unable to bloom fully. Much more interest and support and the correct guidance is needed to stop it stagnating, for now though, our friends here are an utter delight. Guitarist Sam bounces around like a demented tigger and I clap along like a deranged sea lion, all this madness is part and parcel of their authenticity and their consideration.
With tracks taken from the benchmark debut ‘Borrowed Time’ guaranteed to capture your heart and hold it to ransom. Whether you find yourself ‘Talking To A Ghost ‘ or hanging on for a brand new ‘Tomorrow’ you can count on BWF to ‘Protect You’ and see that you live to fight another day. I love these guys, but then you already knew that.
Next up we have the aesthetically charged Red Method, a name I’ve heard of but not yet had the pleasure, so tonight was the night. A six-pack of redness, face paint, scarves, masks and raggedy styled characters jumped and jived across the stage, engrossing and rich in their exuberance. When we were asked who the warriors amongst us were to conscript and engage in a mosh pit, I politely declined, due to my age. I hope he wasn’t too disappointed in my cowardice and impeding fragility. Maybe next time he can hold my hand and delicately walk me around the pit.

Red Method
With names like Deff, Yacka, and Beardy, you are right at home with the waifs and strays of this world. It is a celebration of our differences, our oddities and our social inadequacies that make us all special and worthy. It was a feeding frenzy as they trailblazed through ‘Cycle Of Violence’, ‘My Psychosis’ and we finished the evening ‘Counting Corpses’ a set that was embellished by the charmingly glaring visuals, immediately giving me Lordi, Murderdolls and Rob Zombie vibes. Despite all the gnarly and snarly stalking and pouncing, their vulnerability was evident as they set the tone for the headliners and one of their songs ‘Outside’ a tribute to the misfits and loners, those who are without an anchor in this unforgiving landscape.

With the audacity to threaten us with a slow dance, they leave us with their ‘Ideology’ so jump on board my friends, for the Reds will bring their method and madness right to your door, and you’ll be thankful for it.
Azra Pathan
Black Water Fiend/ Red Method – The Castle and Falcon, 21st November 2024