To celebrate almost 30 years in an industry that is as turbulent as it is electrifying, our cousins Breed 77, have spent the last few nights traversing the UK, and arrived at The Castle & Falcon, where they met with an energetic and fiercely proud audience, full of conviction and camaraderie.
Hitting homes runs as soon as they started with ‘Individuo’ these giants from Gibraltar were infectious; engaging with the fans, perpetuating the cause and effect of their music, which we all hold so dear.
The line-up of Paul Isola -vocals, Danny Felice- guitar, Pedro Caparros -guitar,
Stuart Cavilla – bass and Adam Stanley on drums was commanding yet stylish and poised in their efforts. Like old friends meeting up after a long time, we helped each other relive the glory days, and herald in a new dawn with ‘Just Act Like You Know’ released on YouTube a few days ago.

Taking inspiration from Flamenco music, laced with petrol, light the match and watch the incandescence erupt and envelope everything in its path. From the incendiary ‘The Battle Of Hatin’ to the even more volcanic ‘Insects’ Breed 77 are relevant and an important cog in the industry that has a tendency to sideline and overlook artists that they cannot compartmentalise.
It is regrettable that sometimes bands are remembered for one song -in this case the top tier ballad ‘The River’ wholeheartedly the most endearing and rapturous tune you will ever hear.
A hard-hitting and no nonsense cover of ‘Zombie’ was ideally placed, near the end of the set, when we thought we’d be going home, but no, they fired this rocket and had us flying around the room, both enraged and ravenous for more.
This outing was, in theory, a ‘no encores’ tour, they weren’t getting away that, we frogmarched them back onstage for one last dance with ‘Revolution On My Mind’ before they exited the arena to rest their bodies, tired yet exhilarated.

A triumph, I’d say, I didn’t really know what to expect that night, considering their absence from the scene, but I am glad they are back, and with news of an album next year, 2025 is already looking mightily handsome.
With the emotionally charged chant of ‘no more wars’ ringing in our ears and rattling through our veins, we left the venue, privileged to have been a part of a band that had seemingly been forgotten, but for those who cared enough to stick around, tonight was for you. Hugs.
Azra Pathan
Breed 77 – The Castle and Falcon, 21st November 2024