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Eddy Mann on Faith, Music, and the Power of Christ: An Exclusive Interview

In this insightful interview, Christian singer-songwriter Eddy Mann
opens up about his journey of faith, the inspiration behind his latest
single “Just Like Jesus,” and how his music continues to reflect the
teachings of Christ. With over 20 albums to his name, Eddy shares how
his sound, influenced by gospel, contemporary Christian music, and
Philly Soul, stays true to his spiritual calling. As a worship leader
and recording artist, he reveals the personal faith journey that shapes
his work, offering wisdom and encouragement to aspiring Christian
musicians along the way.

Q: “Just Like Jesus” offers such a powerful reflection of the
beatitudes. What inspired you to write a song that so deeply echoes the
teachings of Christ?

A: It was written as a reflection of what I was seeing as being missing
in the world today. My way of recognizing the poor, the mourning, the
meek, the hungry, the merciful, the pure in heart, the peacemakers, and
the persecuted. Real love, Jesus, seems to be the answer to the world’s

Q: Your latest album, “Turn Up the Divine,” blends contemporary
Christian, gospel, and Philly Soul/R&B sounds. How do these diverse
influences shape your approach to creating spiritually uplifting music?

A: It’s become apparent to me that through the Spirit’s leading, God
needs me to write and sing in my own voice. To reach my God appointed
audience, I need to be an honest representation of myself, and not a
copy of what the business says I should sound like.

Q: You’ve released more than 20 albums now. How has your songwriting and
message evolved over the years, particularly in the realm of faith and

A: It’s my own personal journey that’s on display through my creative
ventures. Looking back I’ve revealed quite a bit about my relationship
with God …both the joyful moments, and also the not-so-pretty ones. In
trying to not force the lyrical and musical ideas I’ve found that
there’s a natural diversity from album to album that just marks my
progress as a believer.

Q: Can you tell us more about the process behind creating the lyric
video for “Just Like Jesus”? What was your vision for the visual
representation of this powerful song?

A: There’s not a lot to say about it other than I wanted images that
would still allow the listener to interpret the message in their own
personal way. I didn’t want to crowd their imagination with my own

Q: Your previous singles like “The Consequence” and “Hallelujah” have
resonated with fans worldwide. What do you think is the key to creating
Christian music that reaches the hearts of so many people?

A: I don’t think we as children of God have a whole lot to do with that
other than producing work that God can use. I’m driven to create work
that He can use to touch that one special person He deems necessary. If
he wants to touch the masses with it, He will. I have no doubt about

Q: What role does your own personal faith journey play in your music?
How do you balance being both a worship leader and a recording artist?

A: Let me start with the idea that I ask myself constantly am I living
out what I’m preaching? Does it reflect who I am as a follower of Jesus?
And most importantly, is it Biblically sound teaching? To be a healthy
soldier of God I have to be a healthy human being …both spiritually
and physically. I need rest, and nourishment in both ways, and I’m
conscious of it now, thought I may not have been as a younger man.

Q: With the release of “Just Like Jesus,” what message do you hope
listeners take away about the teachings of Christ and their relevance in
today’s world?

A: I truly believe that if you want to make a difference in the world
you have to start with being a loving and compassionate person …and I
don’t know of a better example than Jesus. You want to know what love
is? It’s Jesus!

Q: As someone who has consistently produced faith-based music, what
advice would you give to aspiring Christian artists looking to make an
impact through their music?”

A: My hope and prayer for anyone, at any age, who wants to tackle faith
based music as a ministry, is to just be yourself, be honest, and be
bold …Jesus walked that for us, he’s the example.

Visit for more information on Eddy Mann and his music!

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